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Broken Saints rumblings

by Mike Sklens - April 20, 2001, 12:00 pm EDT
Source: TendoGamers

Here's some important information on the coolest thing to hit the net ever.

TendoGamers(one word), broke a story today about the state of Broken Saints. If you haven't heard yet, Broken Saints is a killer web based graphic novel. It follows the story of 4 totally different people from all across the globe. They story hasn't progressed much yet so there are no real plot details.

Anyway, ever since it started, Broken Saints has been a hot GameCube topic. Why is that you may ask. Well, Fran from IGN Cube posted several links to the site in the Q&A and made some connections to it possibly being a GameCube title. Well folks, news has surfaced. TendoGamers posted an exclusive today on the state of the game.

According to TG, Broken Saints may be a game. The Broken Saints creator, Brooke Burgess, is heavily considering making the BS game. In fact, he's already scouting out a publisher and putting together a development team.

The Broken Saints website recently put up a matching game. It's pretty simple. But, when you beat it password is revealed. Currently the password doesn't actually unlock anything. Something to note as that the password was "Cube" but was just recently changed to "Advance."

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