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GameCube Launches on Track?

by Billy Berghammer - March 16, 2001, 8:58 am EST
Source: Reuters

Yamauchi said this morning, "I pity the fool who thinks we'll have a late launch!" And then he said,"Well maybe in Japan there might be a delay." We gots tha' juice.

In an interview today, Yamauchi stated that everything is still on schedule for the Japanese and US launch of GameCube.

He also said that they will be upping GBA production by 100,000 units due to the huge demand for the new portable powerhouse.

Japanese pre-sales for the unit have reached 2.7 million at the end of January.

``This Christmas season is critically important, especially in the United States. We must release the new machine in October there.''

Nintendo might consider delaying the GameCube's Japan launch by about a month to ensure that there is an adequate line-up of new software titles to go with the new hardware, Yamauchi said.

``We need to make sure gamers feel there is a clear difference in software from Nintendo64 games. Such a delay would not be a major cause for concern.''

Delay not be a major cause of concern? Well, delay GC here in the states...I'm sure (well maybe just me) you'll see a lot of people freak out.

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