Solid confusion.
The other day, I mentioned the news that Metal Gear Solid 2 will be the last MGS. Well, it seems that Hideo Kojima has repeated this, alongside news that Metal Gear Solid X (the version for X-Box) would be a mix of MGS2 and the first game. How exactly this will be done is unknown, though it seems that to get the "full" MGS2 experience you'll need to play the PS2 version. If NGC gets a version of MGS, is this what we can expect? Well, it'd be better than nothing! Check out the report on CVG for more!
Update: If you'll check the Talkback, you'll see that Konami have evidently said that this story was a rumor and that MGS2 would be appearing on x-Box in full, which also makes a full MGS2 for NGC possible. Whew!