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OperatioN2000 joins IGN!

by Billy Berghammer - August 12, 1999, 1:05 pm EDT
Source: IGN

A BIG FREAKIN congrats to Justin Nation and all the fine folks over at OperatioN2000 for getting snagged by IGN (as well as cracking 100,000). Very cool stuff! Maybe someday this site will be as for

Before anyone asks, why yes we are now an IGN Affiliate. This all just went through last night so no knowing when all of the effects of this will be felt and seen but hey, it is something worth noting. To all who may be concerned witht he typical Evil Empire arguments and the like or who would like to throw mud accusing us of selling out, save your breath. We love talking the scene up with people, we like to spread the love when we have the time, we plain enjoy sharing insights or information we're able to gather up with you. Thing is, up until this point the site hasn't only done this without pay... it has been losing money on the hosting. Justin may have an understanding and lovely wife but money don't grow on trees and she was always glad to share that wisdom. No knowing whether or not costs will get offset or more, we'll find out. Thing is, all you have to do is endure a single image at the top of the page. No pop-up windows, no rotating banners, no nonsense. Just think of it as an extra sticker on the pages. Hope you all continue to enjoy the site and learn to watch the ads blend in to the layout just like any other change.

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