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No Gnus is Good Gnus

by Billy Berghammer - March 10, 1999, 9:31 am EST

Deep thoughts...

Nuthin today. Okay the counter hit 100! Probably almost all my hits though. Heh! I am not quite sure how many people visit this site yet, or know about it. But I will keep the news flowing once I see it. Brew Town got it's first official Electronics Boutique. I say official because we had a Walden Software store here, (same thing) but now they officially changed over. Sweet. It's about time Software Etc. had some competition in this town.

Anyway, played a lot more Castlevania 64 today. Pretty sweet game if you ask me. I'm pretty used to the controls now. I'll probably complete it tonite. The graphics are sort of blah. More like a 1st generation N64 title, (Reinhart looks much like Dash Rendar....hahahaha) but it's a fun game. I can't complain much, my girlfriend gave it to me for Valentines Day. Free games are better than...well...not much.

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