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The Calm Before the Storm

by Billy Berghammer - May 9, 1999, 8:42 pm EDT

In other words, there isn't any news.

Very quiet out there in N2000 news. This week is going to be nuts. Between the impending ticket release of Star Wars - EP1 The Phantom Menace, and the explosion of E3...Sh*ts gonna be CRAZY! Kind of nice, because it's helped me try out new things on the site. All comments are always welcome. The Most Wanted list is going pretty well. Realism in your game ideas is always better. Mario Eats Peach 128 isn't going to make the list. But I'm sure it would make one hell of a game! (game rating? multiplayer?)

Today is going to be a cool day as well. Not only is it Mothers Day...Yea Mom! But Q3A test (that's Quake 3 Arena test for those who don't know) could be released for PC's as early as tonight. It's already out there for Mac's and Linux, but the PC version should be ready sometime today if all goes well for the fine folks at ID. Oh man! That could make for a very bloody Mother's day. Heh...always good. Keep your eyes peeled. I would suggest stalking Bluesnews , Planet Quake or Voodoo Extreme .(3 of my favorites!) Why does this matter to the N2000 believers? Because it would be really nice to play a game like Q3A online someday with a N2000.

Got a news tip? Send it in!