Holy large letter-named consoles Batman!
Although the person who made these shots wishes to remain anonymous, the fact that these pics are circulating around and are so completely amazing and revealing make it impossible for me not to share them with you. Click the picture below for the big version!

Apparently, these pictures have been compiled from some pretty accurate specs, based on the size of the DVD drive. From the super-secret artist comes this word: "This is as accurate as I can make it with the current photos and lack of official size, however, since we know how wide a standard DVD loading tray is, this is a very close comparison. If anything, I made the GameCube too big, but I'd guess that it's just about perfect." (He estimates the Xbox dimensions at 12" x 10.5" x 3.75").
Conclusion: X-Box is one damn big lunky system. Let’s hope Microsoft includes a carrying case with a shoulder strap, so it can compete to the conveinence and maneuverability of the GameCube (with its handle built-in). Evidently, Microsoft are already getting pissy about these shots showing up and trying to blow smoke but I don’t care. I was stunned enough to discover the X-Box controller looking like some poor man’s Dreamcast/GameCube controller hybrid but the difference in size here is ridiculous! What do you think?