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Nintendo Inadvertently Confirms Addition Of Stage Builder To Super Smash Bros Ultimate

by Donald Theriault - April 9, 2019, 5:32 pm EDT
Total comments: 6 Source: Nintendo

By way of a TV commercial.

It's not known if it'll come with 3.0, but Stage Builder appears to be coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

A new commercial for Ultimate has dropped on Nintendo's YouTube channel, and the opening second of the ad shows a new version of the game's menu showing Stage Builder on the same row as Amiibo and Mii Fighters.

The 3.0 update was confirmed for April in February's Nintendo Direct, and dataminers have located references to Stage Builder in recent updates.


nysailorscoutApril 10, 2019

Thank goodness! I had stopped playing Smash Ultimate entirely because this functionality did not exist.

I want to make stages that are huge empty boxes where you have to be launched straight upwards in order to lose. I don't like accidentally running off the sides of the stage or falling off edges. Neither do my friends!

I would be thrilled to have Stage Builder. There is no negative to including it in Smash Ultimate. SSBU is the 3rd best-selling title on the Nintendo Switch with over 12 million sold! They can certainly afford to add in more customization. Just bring the game up to the amount of options of past Smash games.

MythtendoApril 10, 2019

I never really cared about stage creators in games, but i'm glad to have them in for those who do. It gives them more reason to buy the game. I hope it's more feature rich than in Brawl though, it was hard to create any good stages due to the limitations.

AdrockApril 10, 2019

Stage Builder will continue to be decidedly not-Ultimate until we can make stages based on the various series and the filters are useful. I realize this would be a lot of work. Still think it’s worth it though.

broodwarsApril 10, 2019

Quote from: Adrock

Stage Builder will continue to be decidedly not-Ultimate until we can make stages based on the various series and the filters are useful. I realize this would be a lot of work. Still think it’s worth it though.

Yeah, that was my problem with the previous stage builder: you could only make some really generic stages. I realize Nintendo wants to sell DLC, but without being able to do ANY theming I'm just not going to bother even downloading stages, let alone building them.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorApril 10, 2019

The best solution is to sell DLC packs that include themed stage builder assets.  And, in order to build or play stages using these assets, you have to have purchased the DLC.

broodwarsApril 10, 2019

On a side note, I wonder if Nintendo's actually learned anything from what happened with Smash Bros Brawl when it comes to the implementation of the stage builder. Brawl's version was a popular way to hack your Wii (and Wii Mode on the Wii U) to install the Homebrew Channel, and yeah...Nintendo has the ability to patch such exploits out this time, but I wonder if the initial version will have the same flaw Brawl's did.

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