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FTC Report

by Max Lake - September 11, 2000, 3:33 pm EDT
Source: FederalTradeCommision.com

According to an official FTC report, the entertainment industry (including games) is actively marketing mature material to the underage audience.

Hot on the heels of the recent story of K-Mart IDing consumers trying to buy mature games comes another indication that the Video Game Industry is heading for more scrutiny. Today, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed this report which encompasses findings that the Entertainment Industry almost universally markets violent fare an underage audience. The report, ordered by President Clinton on June 1, 1999 covers the Movie, Music and Video Games industry and finds that despite current measures such as warning labels and ratings, "mature material" is finding its way into the hands of folks under 17.

In the story linked above, you'll find responses to the report from this year's Presidential candidates, and it's set to become a full blown campaign issue. It's kind of humorous to hear George W. Bush for implying this is a new crusade for the Gore campaign. Ol' George "Dubbayuh" apparently doesn't know Tipper or Joe Liebermann very well…

While some of the recommendations made by the report are good ones (increasing awareness) in the realm of videogames is still somewhat a "new medium" and there are a lot of kinks to be worked out. Clearly, it's no longer a niche medium and hopefully, we'll be able to find solutions that satisfy the ever-growing market for mature games and quell concerns that younger folks aren't playing them without too many compromises. Either way, this is definitely an issue worth paying attention to, contemplating and discussing. Check it out.

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