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Dolphin Hardware Ready

by Kosta Andreadis - August 1, 2000, 9:00 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Dolphin hardware is looking to be all done! Just in time for Spaceworld!

Matsushita (well known Dolphin partner that goes by the name of Panasonic in the western market) director Fumio Otsubo revealed last night in Tokyo in more words or less that the Dolphin hardware is indeed finished. His exact words were, 'The hardware is finished, we're awaiting final approval and release schedules from Nintendo.' He then went on to re-affirm the company's plans to release a DVD player based on the Dolphin architecture in Japan next year to compete with Sony's Playstation 2. Spaceworld 2000 will ultimately be the place to get full details on all party's plans concerning the Dolphin, but it looks like Matsushita will indeed play a major role in the console's success.

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