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Planet Tetrinet?

by Billy Berghammer - April 8, 2000, 9:14 pm EDT
Source: http://tetrinet.emugaming.com/gamefiles.htm

Tetrinet of the Gods.

Wow great name! Well most of the staff here at PlanetN2000 are seriously hooked on this game. I will personally admit, I hope Nintendo releases Tetris, or Tetrisphere as an online game for the Dolphin. Well, while we are dreaming, and news is slow as hell...try out Tetrinet! There's more news about Tetrinet 2 there too! Very cool stuff indeed! I can't wait to get in on the beta of that stuff. Stop on by Planet Tetrinet to download this puppy (very small) and hop on line! Plus we sometimes get a bunch of us in a battle after Planet Trivia! Come get some!

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