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Get your "Saber On!"

by Billy Berghammer - April 4, 2000, 8:53 pm EDT
Source: http://www.starwars.com/

Star Wars for all!

Due to today's release of Star Wars: Episode One on video, I will be out most of the night. I would highly recommend the purchase of this fine video. Get the widescreen! The extra money is worth it, and you get a cool art book and movie cell as well. The box is even nice. ;)

What does this have to do with the Dolphin? Well, you just know damn well that there will be some sort of Star Wars game released on the Dolphin. My predictions are that it will probably be ready for launch (or soon after) No there was no announcement, but what was the last Nintendo console that didn't have a Star Wars title? The Virtual Boy? C'mon LucasArts, Bring on Episode 2! What kind of Star Wars game would you like to see? Let us know in the comments area! May the force be with you....Always!

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