Lots & lots of rumors from GDC 2000. Was the Dolphin there? What games were mentioned? Get the scoop here.
There are a crapload (metric for a whole lot) of rumors going around that there was a Retro Sports title shown behind closed doors at E3. Our own crack reporter Ed "Darth" Shih was on the scene and said he heard rumors about behind closed showing of something Dolphin, but that was it. The folks from Diet Game-Online News say they have talked to some people who saw this so called demonstration. Here's the juice.
Finally, a developer has made a showing of software running on Dolphin hardware. Seen by the lucky few at GDC on Saturday, the small game portion was revealed by Retro Studios under hard security.
Retro previewed an American football title behind-closed-doors, showing an athlete throwing a ball and a panning shot of an empty stadium.
"It was certainly very clean," said one source. "Dolphin is shaping up to be a fine machine."
Little else is known of other games in development for the console, aside from a Mario title from Shigeru Miyamoto, an ostensibly adventuristic game from Saphire and a plethora of promised support from all and sundry in the industry. Acclaim has stated categorically launch titles will be released for the Nintendo next generation console, with a Turok game being strongly marked by insiders.
In addition, Ubi Soft has just confirmed the game version of Pamela Anderson's bodyguard TV show VIP for the machine. A Rayman outing is also heavily rumoured.
As for the Retro title, that's all anyone outside the company knows at the moment.