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Happy Birthday Planet N2000!

by Billy Berghammer - March 7, 2000, 2:25 am EST

The Planet turns one year old. Will it survive another year? Who knows! Let's party!

Right on! Bring on the Strippers! Cocktails for everyone!! (if you’re not legal you get Fun Dip and Pixie Stix…and well, no strippers either) Woohoo! Officially the original concept of this site is one year old. I don’t mean to toot our own horn, but since it is our Birthday, I felt it was worthy of noting. And hell, I didn’t get Pokemon Stadium yet so I have some time to kill.

Unless I am wrong, I think we are the first, and still surviving Project Dolphin sites on the net today. In the next couple of weeks we will be unveiling the next version of our website. We have gotten quite a bit of your suggestions, and are hoping you are pleased with what will be Version 3.0 of Planet N2000.

If one year ago today someone would have told me this site would have turned into what it has, I would have laughed at them. The UnOfficial N2000 HQ was created on March 7, 1999. A lot of things have changed in a year with the now called “Project Dolphin”, and the Project Dolphin web community. Personally my life has completely changed, including my job, location, basically absolutely everything. When I started this site, I was in need of an outlet after a hiatus from video game journalism after the HQ went down, as well as unemployed. I decided on Planet N2000 as the domain, and that was it.

Since then, instead of making our parents proud, and actually having a life, as well as scoring with Chicks (at least I’m not getting any red hot lovin’) our staff members have consumed unhealthy amounts of Mountain Dew, and created what you are reading now. This web rag called Planet N2000.

[enter a sappy Midi Ty created] Break out the Kleenex folks, it’s gonna be a sappy update.

I’d like to thank God, for making Nintendo. If it weren’t for Nintendo we wouldn’t all be here. And also another word of props to God for Making Shiguru Miyamoto, for with out his ideas, concepts, and dreams we wouldn’t be playing his incredible creations. And hell…we wouldn’t have content.

Alright, enough of the bullshit. Not that I didn’t mean any of that…but…er….you understand.

I’d really like to thank the incredible Staff (past and present) of this site. If it wasn’t for all of your hard work, Planet N2000 wouldn’t be what it is today. They are doing this without pay, after they finish family (their own…like Married with Children, but with lots of Nintendo) responsibilities, jobs, school, etc. It’s all done “for the love of the (Nintendo) game”

Also, thanks to the readers and supporters of Planet N2000! Hell folks, we do this daily for you! For all of the people who visit the Forums, Mailbag, Trivia nights, Chat room, etc…it’s been a lot of fun! I’d like to especially thank Chris Wiser and High Stability Internet Services for the Hosting of this site. People, if you want a great hosting deal, definitely check them out. It’s the best deal on the net. Shameless Plug.

So, to ring in this momentous occasion, we are having a special edition of Planet Trivia Tonight in Chat at 9pm CST!!!! Why the hell not?! So grab your friends and join us! Put your Nintendo controllers down and show your Nintendo knowledge skillz! I hope to see you tonight!

Good day, and God bless Nintendo.

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