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Technical Difficulties

by Billy Berghammer - March 2, 2000, 7:23 am EST

Billy explains some of the technical hoo-hah happening here of late...

Whew. Well hopefully by tonight, all of the problems I have been having will be fixed. Fortunately the forums are back up and in full force! (see below) My cable modem has been down since Sunday, so that's why you've seen me rather absent. Not good. IMO, I may switch to DSL. I have had rather Sh$tty service from Media One.

As far as the Graphics Guru position / logo contest, I have decided to delay the deadline a few more days. If you haven't submitted a professional logo idea, or want to send another one, the deadline is now officially Monday, March 6th! We have been getting some pretty slick entries as of late, so there is some competition out there. If we really like your work, not only could it be part of our site re-design, but you may land a job here! Good luck!

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