There's a dragon capable of destroying everything in sight, and I don't think Dovakhim can stop Garchomp.
It's 3rd Party Week on Switch, with more games out on store shelves this week alone than were on the system at launch. There's the epic adventure of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the gritty crime drama of L. A. Noire and the Batman, and some more Lego for your perusal. The "indies on card" crowd is also well represented with Ittle Dew 2+ and RIME. But the biggest sellers of the week are in the multiplayer realm.
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon plus Rocket League give the two active Nintendo systems major shots in the multiplayer arm. (Protip: Turn off the cross platform play for a bit in Rocket League if you don't want your confidence shredded early by PC players.) In addition to the biggest Japanese RPG of the year, there's also some oldschool with RIVE (including the equivalent of a Nindies discount from back in the day), VVVVVV, Karnov's Revenge in the archives, and three more TG-16 games on Wii U that aren't LORDS OF THUNDER (but are still intriguing, at least).
In addition to RIME and Rocket League, Japan also gets the Switch version of Wii U hit Teslagrad.
North America
Switch Retail Tuesday unless indicated
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (US$59.99/C$79.99: Friday, preload available)
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($59.99/$79.99)
L. A. Noire ($49.99/$64.99)
Batman: The Telltale Series ($39.99/$49.99)
RIME ($29.99/$39.99)
Ittle Dew 2+ ($29.99/$39.99)
Ben 10 ($29.99/$37.99)
3DS Retail
Pokémon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon ($39.99/$49.99: midnight ET, preload available)
Switch eShop
Rocket League ($19.99/$24.99: Tuesday)
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal ($19.99/$24.95: Friday)
Lumo ($19.99/$24.50)
Antiquia Lost ($12.99/$17.99)
RIVE: Ultimate Edition ($12.5/$14.99: Friday, price includes 15% "Nindies At Home" launch discount for 2 weeks)
VVVVVV ($9.99/$12.99: Friday)
Xenoraid ($8.99/$11.69)
Green Game: TimeSwapper ($1.99/$2.58)
Switch Archives
Karnov's Revenge ($7.99/$9.87)
Wii U Virtual Console Upgrade discounts available
Break In ($5.99)
Panic Bomber ($5.99) Delayed
Salamander ($5.99)
Sales and Price Drops
Highlights: The Jackbox Party Pack 3 is on sale
Switch Retail Friday unless indicated for retail
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (€59.99/£49.99)
L. A. Noire (€49.99/£44.99: Tuesday)
Batman: The Telltale Series (€44.99/£39.99)
RIME (€34.99/£29.99)
Ittle Dew 2+ (€29.99/£26.99)
3DS Retail
Pokémon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon (€44.99/£39.99)
Switch eShop
Rocket League (€19.99/£15.04)
Ginger: Beyond the Crystal (€19.99/£17.99)
Lumo (€19.99/£19.99)
Super Putty Squad (€14.99/£14.99)
Aces of the Luftwaffe – Squadron (€14.99/£13.49)
Antiquia Lost (€12.99/£11.69)
RIVE: Ultimate Edition (€14.99/£13.49: 15% off until 1 December)
VVVVVV (€9.99/£8.99)
Xenoraid (€9.99/£8.99)
Green Game: TimeSwapper (€2.99/£2.69)
Wii U eShop
RTO: Reptile Takeover (€8.99/£7.99)
Switch Archives
Karnov's Revenge (€6.99/£6.29)
Sales and Price Drops
All versions of NBA 2k18 are 30% off until 27 November.
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is 30% off until 30 November.
Cats and Dogs 3D: Pets at Play is 60% off until 7 December.
36 Fragments of Midnight (N3DS) is 20% off until 30 November.
Absolutely Unstoppable MineRun is 45% off until 30 November.
Gravity Badgers is 70% off until 14 December.
Midnight 2 is 20% off until 30 November.
RIME (¥3780)
Rocket League (¥2160)
Teslagrad (¥1500)
Lumo (¥1499)
Antiquia Lost (¥999)
Karnov's Revenge (¥823)