More experiences will be coming our way in the new year!
Last week, indie games publisher Curve Digital announced that they were teaming up with more developers and planning to bring more games to the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS next year.
The popular PlayStation and PC release OlliOlli will be coming to Nintendo 3DS and Wii U in early 2015. The game marries the gameplay of a Tony Hawk game to the 2D side-scrolling look and feel. Players will be able to perform more than 120 tricks across 50 levels, 250 challenges and extra daily objectives.
Developer Puppygames's a new title Ultratron, which was previously released on Steam, will see a 2015 release on Wii U as well. This arcade-styled, twin-stick arena shooter has seen some positive feedback from PC and Mac users so far. The Space Invaders-styled Titan Attacks, which released on PlayStation platforms, will be coming to Nintendo 3DS sometime next year as well.