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Zelda and Luigi 3DS XL Coming to Europe

by Kimberly Keller - October 15, 2013, 6:00 pm EDT
Total comments: 7 Source: Nintendo UK Online Store, http://store.nintendo.co.uk/nintendo-3ds-xl-consol...

Which one will you choose?

UPDATE: The Zelda XL has been confirmed to be getting an Australian release and will hit retail on November 23.

Two new special edition 3DS XLs are coming to Europe in November with pre-orders starting now on Nintendo’s online store. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds 3DS XL will arrive in stores on November 22 and the Luigi Special Edition will be available online November 1.

The Legend of Zelda special edition is being released the same day as the game and will include a download code for it. The console features a half gold and half black design, with the game’s double Triforce emblem revealed when the console is opened. The interior will be completely gold with black buttons. The console and game bundle retails at £199.99.

The second special edition 3DS XL commemorates the Year of Luigi and features Luigi’s silhouette in various poses and shades of green against a white background and the bottom half contains the official Year of Luigi seal. The console has actually been available in Japan for a couple of months now, but this marks the first time it has will be available in Europe. This edition will retail online only for £179.99.

Check out the gallery below for more images!



If that Zelda one doesn't come to North America, I'm probably going to punch someone.

AVOctober 15, 2013

Not a fan if black bottom to Zelda 3ds xl but it's still totally cool

TurdFurgyOctober 15, 2013

The interior should totally be black with gold buttons, but WHAT EVS...

WahOctober 15, 2013

The Luigi one looks Horrible...
But the triforce one... ;D

AdrockOctober 16, 2013

Quote from: Mr.

Not a fan if black bottom to Zelda 3ds xl but it's still totally cool

I typically don't like the two toned units, but I think it really works with the Zelda one due to the light/dark theme in A Link Between Worlds. It'd look better with a black interior; it doesn't look bad with gold though.

StrikerObiMike Sklens, Podcast EditorOctober 16, 2013

The Luigi one is really neat, but if that Zelda one doesn't come to America I'll be pissed.

Mop it upOctober 16, 2013

The ugly Luigi is spreading!

The Zelda one is so close to getting it right. It should have followed the red and blue models and been gold on the outside, black on the inside. Oh well, it's still the best special edition so far.

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