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Browser Based Miiverse Adds More Social Networking Features

by Zack Kaplan - June 12, 2013, 9:26 am EDT
Total comments: 6 Source: (Miiverse), https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAABAABtUV...

Now you can share Miiverse posts on Twitter and Facebook.

The browser based version of Miiverse has added more social networking functions.

Users can now share Miiverse posts directly through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr. This feature has not been added to the Wii U version of Miiverse, and there has been no word on whether or not it would be added.


Pixelated PixiesJune 12, 2013

Did anyone else find themselves befuddled for a few seconds because they read this as 'Bowser based miiverse' rather than 'Browser'?

Man! An alternate evil Miiverise ruled by Bowser would be awesome!

LudicrousDa3veJune 12, 2013

Quote from: Pixelated

Did anyone else find themselves befuddled for a few seconds because they read this as 'Bowser based miiverse' rather than 'Browser'?

Man! An alternate evil Miiverise ruled by Bowser would be awesome!

Ha, awesome!! That was exactly what I was coming in to say!

Mop it upJune 12, 2013

I also read it as "Bowser."

I leave disappointed.

Steel DiverZack Kaplan, Associate EditorJune 12, 2013

STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! For a second you guys made me think I made a spelling mistake.

MASBJune 12, 2013

Quote from: Steel

STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! For a second you guys made me think I made a spelling mistake.

Actually.... unless the article has already been updated:


Users can now share Miiverse posts directly through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Tumblr. This feature has not been added to the Wii U version of Miiverse, and there has been now word on whether or not it would be added.

Steel DiverZack Kaplan, Associate EditorJune 12, 2013

Crap, things get posted live during e3 pre edits

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