Enjoy Miiverse on your PC starting right now.
Nintendo has now made the web-based Miiverse service available to all Nintendo Network users. The release of the service came during Nintendo's financial results briefing.
Upon signing into your account, you are greeted with options to visit your activity feed, your own profile, your notifications, and the various communities. You can access all of your favorite communities and even comment on other Miiverse posts.
Currently, you are unable to do the following in the web version of Miiverse; these functions are only available on Wii U:
・ Create a new account
・ Make new posts in a community
・ Create handwritten posts and comments
・ Send and receive messages
・ Send and receive friend requests
・ Follow/Unfollow users
・ Edit profiles
The application appears to use OAuth, an open login standard, which could hint at support for logging into other sites using a Nintendo Network ID in the future.
This web-based Miiverse was made available ahead of the major Wii U system update currently scheduled to arrive later this week. Nintendo is currently referring to the browser-accessible Miiverse as a Beta, suggesting that they are still actively working on this new aspect of their social network.