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Wii U Virtual Console Listing Found in Source Code on Nintendo UK's Website

by Neal Ronaghan - January 22, 2013, 6:02 pm EST
Total comments: 19 Source: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4677145..., http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/La...

Virtual Console could be coming to Wii U, but will it just be compatibility or new platforms?

Nintendo UK's website shows off a "Virtual Console (Wii U)" system value in the site's source code.

NeoGAF user Aquamarine discovered the localization listing, which is among other system values, including ones for each individual Virtual Console platform, and one for "Virtual Console" (on Wii) and "Virtual Console (3DS)."

It's unclear as to when this system category was added, but it could just be a listing for the future. After all, Wii U Virtual Console has been confirmed by Nintendo in the past; we're just waiting for when it will launch and what it will entail. Just last week, Nintendo's Japanese website stopped listing upcoming Wii Virtual Console games, a listing that has been done since the service launched.

With the evidence, it is becoming more likely that the upcoming Nintendo Direct, which is less than 12 hours away, could feature Wii U Virtual Console details. At a minimum, it will highlight Nintendo-developed services and games, according to Nintendo's Japanese Twitter feed. It's unknown whether or not it will just add GamePad compatibility for old Virtual Console games, or add new platforms, such as GameCube.



UltraClaytonJanuary 22, 2013

GameCube games please.

AilingforaleJanuary 22, 2013

I'm hoping that they will announce games that can be played on both 3DS and Wii/Wii U will be "purchase once and play across platforms".  My NES games on my Wii should be playable on my 3DS... I feel cheated a little.  Not a lot... but a little.

Kytim89January 22, 2013

Add Dreamcast as well.

BlackNMild2k1January 22, 2013

man, I still need to contact Nintendo about my Wii VC/eShop account not transferring over to the Wii U.

I need all my already purchased/gifted games back!!!

edit:  :-[

I just checked my other (original wii that I haven't used in forever and a day) Wii and found all the stuff I've been missing....
I could've sworn Nintendo transferred the account to the Black Wii, but honestly I don't think I ever checked.

I hope I can do a 2nd Wii transfer to my Wii U (there is even $14 unused dollars on there)

In my limited coding experience, I've put things that I have no intention of doing in source code. As well as, say, death threats for looking at source code.

So yeah, I'll believe it when my colleagues are downloading Melee.

leahsdadJanuary 22, 2013

Quote from: Ailingforale

I'm hoping that they will announce games that can be played on both 3DS and Wii/Wii U will be "purchase once and play across platforms".  My NES games on my Wii should be playable on my 3DS... I feel cheated a little.  Not a lot... but a little.

Uh, I think you're at the wrong website, buddy.  This is a NINTENDO-focused site.  The Sony-focused site is over THERE, in that corner, with the Japanese executives muttering "We were the top of the world, once...please come back!"

I think if Nintendo were in as bad as Sony was, then we might see that.  But that is not the case, right now at least.

azekeJanuary 22, 2013

Ah finally, GameGear games on my Wii U!

But yeah the fact that they added it recently definitely implies Wii U VC is coming soon.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterJanuary 22, 2013

Yay! Expect this to be a topic for the Nintendo Direct tomorrow.

Nintendo themselves said there's going to be a Wii U virtual console, so the fact that it says that there isn't really that interesting. The only question is whether this has anything to do with tomorrow's Nintendo Direct.

broodwarsJanuary 22, 2013

Quote from: leahsdad

Quote from: Ailingforale

I'm hoping that they will announce games that can be played on both 3DS and Wii/Wii U will be "purchase once and play across platforms".  My NES games on my Wii should be playable on my 3DS... I feel cheated a little.  Not a lot... but a little.

Uh, I think you're at the wrong website, buddy.  This is a NINTENDO-focused site.  The Sony-focused site is over THERE, in that corner, with the Japanese executives muttering "We were the top of the world, once...please come back!"

I think if Nintendo were in as bad as Sony was, then we might see that.  But that is not the case, right now at least.

Yes, if Nintendo were as "bad" as Sony was, they too could be as consumer-friendly on this issue.  ::)  I have to admit, that's the first time I've heard someone try to call their own gullibility (or a company's ability to screw over the consumer because they have a lot of money) a positive trait.

Seriously, it's ridiculous that Nintendo charges us 2-3 times for the same games on multiple platforms, especially in the case of NES games where you can't make the argument that more work would have to go into the emulation on different platforms.

As for the Wii U Virtual Console, well I hope that it not only will be officially announced soon (as opposed to Nintendo's earlier Announcement of an Announcement), but that GameCube and even Wii Virtual Console support will be announced as well.  I also hope that they announce a real schedule to the thing, as opposed to the completely random and barely-supported manner they've handled Virtual Console on every platform since WiiWare released.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJanuary 22, 2013

You know what I'd rather have than buy-once, play anywhere?

On-line multiplayer.  Gimme gimme gimme.

broodwarsJanuary 22, 2013

Quote from: UncleBob

You know what I'd rather have than buy-once, play anywhere?

On-line multiplayer.  Gimme gimme gimme.

I could definitely see the appeal there, but in all fairness there is a substantial amount of work required there for a mere Virtual Console game. That would be more something we'd see as an brand new eShop edition download, but that could definitely be cool for certaing ames.

bowsersblogJanuary 23, 2013

Thing is about that part of the source code.  If you go to any Nintendo Direct page and bring up say a direct back from Dec 2012, that page has that section of code in it too.  I am hoping that they talk about the VC section in the Direct because I've been excited about that since the launch, but I'm starting to think that code has nothing to do with the Direct tomorrow.

That's because it's a shared bit of code, so it's included on every page of the website. That does mean it might not have anything to do with Nintendo Direct, but since the code was added simultaneously with Nintendo Direct information, that could hint something. FWIW, Google's cache of the site from last week Bing's cache of the site from yesterday does not include Wii U Virtual Console in the source code.

bowsersblogJanuary 23, 2013

Ahh good point, never thought about that.

xcwarriorJanuary 23, 2013

I want new games. Old games  are great, but unless they give us Earthbound, I really just want new titles for Wii U and eshop today. I have plenty of games already on the Virtual Console I still need to download. I'm sure most of you people do too.

NeoThunderJanuary 23, 2013

Well, if all my Wii VC purchases can be transferred into WiiU VC. I'll be a happy camper. The ability to play my VC games with a Wii U pro controller, priceless...

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJanuary 23, 2013

Quote from: broodwars

I could definitely see the appeal there, but in all fairness there is a substantial amount of work required there for a mere Virtual Console game.

'meh.  Homemade emulators have been doing it for years.

Nintendo insists upon everything working perfectly, though, and to do that would require a good bit of work. Honestly, Nintendo could probably stand to be a bit less strict with these things in order to cut costs and speed up the process.

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