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Wii U Shortages Expected for UK Launch

by Tom Malina - October 26, 2012, 2:38 am EDT
Total comments: 12 Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/374838/wii-u-..., (Description), CVG

Retailers indicate that the new system could be very hard to get a hold of on day one.

The Wii U will face severe supply shortages throughout the system's launch window in the United Kingdom, multiple retail sources told CVG.

Two unidentified retailers allege that just 25,000 hardware units will be available for the November 30th launch, with one stating that there would not be enough stock to fulfil all the pre-orders they received. Contrasting this, another retailer is anticipating 75,000 to 100,000 units during launch, although it has confirmed that this figure may be met over the course of a few weeks rather than on day one.

As a response to these comments, a Nintendo UK representative made assurances that retailers across the country would be sent frequent shipments in order to meet demand for the console over the busy Christmas period.

In December 2006, the Wii was hit by stock shortages for several months in the UK, following record-breaking sales of 105,000 units in the opening weekend. The Wii U could be in similarly high demand this November, with pre-orders for the Premium package already sold out at major online retailers Amazon, Zavvi, and Play more than a month before launch.


PlugabugzOctober 26, 2012

I'm not buying one at launch, i'm in no hurry. Given this is the first "significantly more complex" console (in terms of manufacturing and hardware) in 10 years i'd rather wait to 2013 so the launch niggles pass.

MrPhishfoodOctober 26, 2012

Those fools should have preordered as soon as it was available. No doubt ebay resellers are partly to blame for shortages, those dirty leeches.

StogiOctober 26, 2012

Quote from: Plugabugz

I'm not buying one at launch, i'm in no hurry. Given this is the first "significantly more complex" console (in terms of manufacturing and hardware) in 10 years i'd rather wait to 2013 so the launch niggles pass.


PlugabugzOctober 26, 2012

Quote from: Stogi

Quote from: Plugabugz

I'm not buying one at launch, i'm in no hurry. Given this is the first "significantly more complex" console (in terms of manufacturing and hardware) in 10 years i'd rather wait to 2013 so the launch niggles pass.


Niggles is racist in the states? Never knew that. It's not here.

But more importantly... humans are idiots. Now i'm being racist against everyone!

StogiOctober 26, 2012

Haha it's not. Just thought it was funny.

AilingforaleOctober 26, 2012

I'm not sure if I want to pick one up right away anyway.  There are a ton of games for a lot of people, but there are not many that I "must have".  They have a great line-up, but it just doesn't feel very Nintendo-ie. Maybe when the Wonderful 101 (I think it's called now) or if they give me a promise of the Monster Hunter HD bundle showing up in the US.  I know this was about the UK, but unless they are getting some mysteriously great game not shown in the US, then the situation would be the same for me unfortunately.

I predict Wii U shortages in North America...

Everywhere. They are producing less Wii U consoles than Wiis during the equivalent time period, and we know how that went.

PhilPhillip Stortzum, October 26, 2012

I hope all in the UK who wants one will be able to get one.

Mop it upOctober 26, 2012

Does this mean the manufacturing issues rumour is true, or is there some other reason for this?

Steel DiverZack Kaplan, Associate EditorOctober 27, 2012

I think the Wii U shortage is a conspiracy by sony to sell more copies of All-Stars Battle Royale.

Pixelated PixiesOctober 27, 2012

I hope that everyone who wants one gets one. I'd hate especially for families to be let down at Christmas.

It's no secret that manufacturers (of all stripes) deliberately stagger shipments of new devices in order to inflate their percieved value. I'm not saying necessarilly that Nintendo is knowingly limiting stock (although it's a possibility), but having people out there on twitter and elsewhere decrying their inability to obtain Nintendo's new system, about how they went to three different Best Buys and went a town over to the nearest Gamestop just to find one, is free marketing and creates an aura of desirability around the device that simply can't be achieved through standard marketing.

That Nintendo would allow there to be shortages in any region given the insanity that surrounded the Wii, and given just how long Nintendo has had to prepare for the launch of the Wii U, I can't help but be a little cynical should this story turn out to be true.

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