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Resident Evil 6 Not Coming to Wii U

by Danny Bivens - April 10, 2012, 9:40 am EDT
Total comments: 49 Source: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/122/1222590p1.html, (IGN)

A Wii U version is not currently in the works for Nintendo's next generation console.

Resident Evil 6 will not be released on the Wii U this year, producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi told IGN in a recent interview. “Unfortunately, RE6 will not be available at this time on the Wii U. Right now we’re concentrating on the PlayStation 3 version, 360 version and the PC version of the game.”

Although this news may come as a serious blow to Nintendo fans, the specific words used by Kobayashi in his response by saying, “at this time,” does not count out a Wii U version some time down the road. Resident Evil 6 releases on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 this fall on October 2.


Luigi DudeApril 10, 2012

It's Capcom, it'll eventually come to the Wii U but first they need to port RE5 and RE:ORC just because they can.

leahsdadApril 10, 2012

Quote from: Luigi

It's Capcom, it'll eventually come to the Wii U but first they need to port RE5 and RE:ORC just because they can.

Sure, they can bundle the two and call it the "Games-that-you-don't-care-about" collection.

TanookisuitApril 10, 2012


syrindigoApril 10, 2012

Good! I don't want games to port over to the Wii U from any other console, the Wii U is unique and should be treated as such.

Kytim89April 10, 2012

This really pisses me off. How hard would it be to port this game to the Wii U? Perhaps it has something to do with the non disclosure agreement for Wii U?

Ian SaneApril 10, 2012

Quote from: syrindigo

Good! I don't want games to port over to the Wii U from any other console, the Wii U is unique and should be treated as such.

Oh YEAH because that was SO much fun with the Wii.

Third parties either include you in their multiplatform development or they don't include you at all.  If no one was interested in making exclusives for a system that sold as well as the Wii, then it's not going to be any different here.  Unless you're cool with having Nintendo first party games and jackshit else.  But even if you're cool with that, the first party games are always going to be there.  It isn't like the presence of good third parties games is going to change that.

My guess is that this is a timing issue more than anything else.  RE6 was probably too deep in development by the time Capcom got Wii U kits to allow the staffing up of a new team to release a Wii U version at the same time as the other platforms.  Remember that even though Wii U is similar in power to 360/PS3, it still is brand new hardware that will have a learning curve for those that start to develop for it.

It was probably easier and more cost-effective to finish the game on 360/PS3 and then gather up a team to work on porting it over, likely with extra content.  Heck, Capcom's probably already assembled an RE6 team for Wii U that is working on the port right now, without a release date hanging over their heads.

Kytim89April 10, 2012

Quote from: NWR_Lindy

My guess is that this is a timing issue more than anything else.  RE6 was probably too deep in development by the time Capcom got Wii U kits to warrant staffing up a new team to work on a port.  It was probably easier and more cost-effective to finish the game and then gather up a team to work on porting it over, likely with extra content.

The big question is how long will we have wait for the port?

ejamerApril 10, 2012

Quote from: NWR_Lindy

My guess is that this is a timing issue more than anything else.  ...

It was probably easier and more cost-effective to finish the game on 360/PS3 and then gather up a team to work on porting it over, likely with extra content.  ...

Agree with this assessment, although wonder if Capcom is going to port soon or wait to see how well the game sells before moving it across.

Also think it's a good point that extra content is often included in later ports. In that respect, it's almost better to get the game a bit later unless you were dying to play it immediately at release. (Most of my gaming time is spent playing stuff that came out months or even years ago - obviously this colors my opinion.)

I feel like the lack of a Wii U version is part of the reason why the release date was moved up. Capcom is purposefully distancing RE6 from the Wii U launch (since it'll be in November).

Kytim89April 10, 2012

Quote from: NWR_Neal

I feel like the lack of a Wii U version is part of the reason why the release date was moved up. Capcom is purposefully distancing RE6 from the Wii U launch (since it'll be in November).

If Capcom already has the dev kit on hand and is familar enough with it to put a small team of developers to work porting it then they can just release the Wii U version a month later along with the new console, right? How much effort would it be to port this game to the Wii U?

StogiApril 10, 2012

While disappointing, I don't think this is surprising at all.

TennindoApril 10, 2012

Its not really that big of a deal sense it will prolly come to Wii U. Chances are Capcom doesnt want to just "port" it over to Wii U. Not with how Wii U works. Their is a new controller that they can work with to makes things new and exciting. Even for the ones who buy it on ps3/360.
Its will come. Later rather then sooner, but it also may be linked to how the reviews go too. Will the game sell enough for a port? RE5 and and RE:ORC while good, not really super favs. Lets hope they can get better with RE6

King of TwitchApril 10, 2012

It always makes more sense to put a game on a much less powerful console with an inferior controller.

That's just the rule you guys will have to re-learn over the next five years.

Chocobo_RiderApril 10, 2012

This better come to Wii U eventually! And it better have all the DLC on one disc or an extra chapter or something.  It's time for us to get some good will for all the ignoring during the Wii era.

yayer1124April 10, 2012

This news is somewhat disappointing but I do hope that Capcom is not putting the kibosh completely on RE6 for the Wii U. If they do I hope they work on a new IP specifically for the Wii U. I think I would rather have that than just a port of RE 6. Until then I guess that Ill just have to be satisfied with Revelations on 3DS :)

house3136April 10, 2012

I’m confused. When I read the IGN article, they said the Resident Evil 6 release date was moved up to October 2, from November 20.  Kobayashi said: "Unfortunately, RE6 will not be available at this time on the Wii U…" Even if it’s a port, I feel that this game will still be on Wii U, possibly before the end of the year. The way it’s being reported, it can be inferred that the game is not coming to Wii U because of its disparity among the confirmed platforms. What’s more troubling, is if third-party developers (even Capcom) choose not to bring games to Nintendo’s console because the games aren’t specifically built around using the tablet controller (I was actually looking forward to playing with the RemotePlus RE4 style). I don’t think that’s the case, but if it is, then it’s Wii 2.0. Essentially, Nintendo’s exclusives will continue to exemplify the consoles ability, while third-party ignore it, because non-multiplatform ports are too hard and don’t have enough profit margin. What I don’t understand is how Ubisoft makes such bold proclamations that AC:III is coming to the system no problem, yet RE:6 may not be, considering both are relatively new games being released within weeks of each other.

I'm sure it will appear on Wii U eventually, maybe as a "Game of the Year" edition that we'll surely see from Arkham City.

ejamerApril 10, 2012

Quote from: Zap

It always makes more sense to put a game on a much less powerful console with an inferior controller.

That's just the rule you guys will have to re-learn over the next five years.

You mean the putting the game out on consoles that actually have an install base, instead of the one that currently isn't available?  Or on consoles that are known quantities instead of one where the official specs aren't announced and dev kits are possibly still in flux?

Like it or not, there are some very legit business reasons why Capcom would target PS3/360 for this release and not Wii U.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterApril 10, 2012

You can't just believe Capcom about RE titles. Of course it's coming out for wii u. I mean seriously, the wording, their history and the launch date scream RE6 on Wii U.

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: NinSage

This better come to Wii U eventually! And it better have all the DLC on one disc or an extra chapter or something.  It's time for us to get some good will for all the ignoring during the Wii era.

I have no doubt that the game will come to Wii U eventually, but this is Capcom we're talking about.  I don't think there's a chance in hell that the game will include all the DLC, and the extra chapter (if there is one, and I doubt it) will probably be exclusive paid DLC.  It's Capcom.  This is what they do, so you should start thinking realistically when it comes to this game or you're just gearing yourself up for disappointment.

As for the news itself: whatever.  I was going to buy the PS3 version anyway, so this doesn't affect me.  I doubt Capcom will let the Wii U go too long without an RE6 port, unless they release something like an RE5 port first and it just doesn't sell.  I'm just glad that the game's date has been moved up to not only a time of the year better suited to games like this (Halloween) but also away from the next Call of Duty.  I couldn't care less that Zombies are back.  They weren't scary before, and they probably won't be scary now.

Chozo GhostApril 11, 2012

In the end Nintendo fans may have the last laugh, because when RE6 finally does make its way to the Wii U it will be the ultimate definitive edition of the game, just like how the Wii got the definitive best edition of RE4. So Sony and Microsoft fanboys might be laughing now, but remember he who laughs last laughs best.

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: Chozo

In the end Nintendo fans may have the last laugh, because when RE6 finally does make its way to the Wii U it will be the ultimate definitive edition of the game, just like how the Wii got the definitive best edition of RE4. So Sony and Microsoft fanboys might be laughing now, but remember he who laughs last laughs best.

I'm still amazed that Capcom decided to cheap-out with RE4 "HD" by not giving it HD textures or motion control support.  I don't know how that version of the game was as highly rated as it was when it was clearly inferior to the Wii version.

ShyGuyApril 11, 2012

Wii U doesn't need current generation table scraps! It's TRUE next gen.

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: ShyGuy

Wii U doesn't need current generation table scraps! It's TRUE next gen.

Yeah, who needs RE6 when you can have Resident Evil Snap, the next-gen on-rails photography game (hey, that Tablet has to be good for something) where you try to take the best pictures of various Resident Evil abominations?  ;)

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)April 11, 2012

I'd expect this in February 2013, which is probably when I'll end up getting the Wii U anyway!
I find not buying systems at launch saves me heaps of cash and hassle :)

Quote from: broodwars

Yeah, who needs RE6 when you can have Resident Evil Snap, the next-gen on-rails photography game (hey, that Tablet has to be good for something) where you try to take the best pictures of various Resident Evil abominations?  ;)

That actually sounds pretty awesome. Especially if they have nice HD rotatable camera modes of Jill... or Rebecca.... Sheva... mmmm.....
All that aside, the two Chronicles games were great. I'm actually finishing the last of the Darkside Chronicles titles at the moment.

GoldenPhoenixApril 11, 2012

Quote from: King

Quote from: broodwars

Yeah, who needs RE6 when you can have Resident Evil Snap, the next-gen on-rails photography game (hey, that Tablet has to be good for something) where you try to take the best pictures of various Resident Evil abominations?  ;)

That actually sounds pretty awesome. Especially if they have nice HD rotatable camera modes of Jill... or Rebecca.... Sheva... mmmm.....
All that aside, the two Chronicles games were great. I'm actually finishing the last of the Darkside Chronicles titles at the moment.

Definitely sounds like a great RE game, so here is hoping Capcom does it, especially after playing RE5 which I thought was sub-par at best. It really is hard for me to get excited for a mainline RE game anymore after that. Anyway, in all seriousness, hopefully all Capcom is doing is avoiding formerly announcing the title until a future time. I don't see why it wouldn't come out on Wii U, if I recall RE games do sell decently on Nintendo systems.

YmeegodApril 11, 2012

I'm pretty sure RE6 will be released on the WII U and the only reason why Capcom hasn't announced it yet it because of the "non-disclosure" agreements set up in place.

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: Ymeegod

I'm pretty sure RE6 will be released on the WII U and the only reason why Capcom hasn't announced it yet it because of the "non-disclosure" agreements set up in place.

Considering that Ubisoft has already announced Assassin's Creed 3 for Wii U (as well as Sega with Aliens: Colonial Marines and THQ with Darksiders 2), I find it unlikely that there are NDAs blocking Capcom from announcing this.

BlkPaladinApril 11, 2012

It will probally be out in about a year after the release. Going by the different versions of RE:5.

AdrockApril 11, 2012

I don't expect a port for RE5 before RE6 or even at all. It'll probably cost Capcom the same amount of resources to port either game over and RE6 has a better chance of selling and at full price due to being newer. Economically, it makes more sense for them to just port RE6.

With this announcement, I'm already planning on getting the game on PS3. However, Capcom can convince me to hold off for the Wii U version if, say at E3, Capcom announces that the Wii U version will include a Separate Ways-esque side-mission and some other bonuses which would be paid DLC on PS3/360. Would that piss people off? Sure but that's the price of getting the game sooner. That would be the reverse of the PS2 RE4 announcement and I appreciate irony.

GoldenPhoenixApril 11, 2012

Quote from: broodwars

Quote from: Ymeegod

I'm pretty sure RE6 will be released on the WII U and the only reason why Capcom hasn't announced it yet it because of the "non-disclosure" agreements set up in place.

Considering that Ubisoft has already announced Assassin's Creed 3 for Wii U (as well as Sega with Aliens: Colonial Marines and THQ with Darksiders 2), I find it unlikely that there are NDAs blocking Capcom from announcing this.

True, though if RE6 for Wii U has exclusive features it may be under NDA. Nintendo and Capcom have worked together in the past, so it isn't out of the question. I would hope Nintendo would be working out some exclusives with developers, even if it isn't a full game, but features or content exclusive to the system.

Tough to say though, Capcom may genuinely be focused on PS3/360 development and work on porting it at a later time.

AdrockApril 11, 2012

At the same time, Capcom could contract a company like Tose to handle port duties. That would help them get the game out sooner though I'd wait if I got extra content included.

Chozo GhostApril 11, 2012

Quote from: Adrock

I don't expect a port for RE5 before RE6 or even at all. It'll probably cost Capcom the same amount of resources to port either game over and RE6 has a better chance of selling and at full price due to being newer. Economically, it makes more sense for them to just port RE6.

Economically it makes sense to port both over, because both will sell multi-million units and make money for Capcom.

That said, it would make probably the most sense to space them both out a bit so that they don't cannibalize each other's sales. That means either bring out the RE5 port now and then bring out RE6 sometime well into the future, or vice versa.

AdrockApril 11, 2012

RE5 is a 3 year old game. Capcom loves re-releasing old games but I still wonder if they feel RE5 is worth it. Can RE5 sell millions on Wii U? I have my doubts. In any case, even if they do, I won't be double dipping as it would likely be the Gold Editon I already have on PS3.

Capcom would be smart to get RE6 out on Wii U as soon as possible. The closer they release it to the other versions the better.

Chozo GhostApril 11, 2012

You said it yourself that they love re-releasing old games. The fact RE5 is 3 years old isn't a hurdle at all, because RE games much older than that are also seeing re-releases on modern consoles. The game itself is already made and all they have to do is just port it over. Supposedly Nintendo went to great lengths to make the Wii U easy for developers to work with, and it essentially uses the same architecture as the Xbox 360 from what I understand, so to bring the 360 port over shouldn't be a difficult or expensive task.

YmeegodApril 11, 2012

"Considering that Ubisoft has already announced Assassin's Creed 3 for Wii U (as well as Sega with Aliens: Colonial Marines and THQ with Darksiders 2), I find it unlikely that there are NDAs blocking Capcom from announcing this."

All of them were allowed to since they were part of nintendo's E3 show last year hense no NDA is placed on them.  A know of two titles that are in the works for the WII U but haven't been disclosed because Nintendo again wants them to present at e3 this year. 

TJ SpykeApril 11, 2012

Assassin's Creed III was not part of Nintendo's E3 showing, it was only confirmed as a Wii U game like a month ago (the game itself was only announced last October).

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: TJ

Assassin's Creed III was not part of Nintendo's E3 showing, it was only confirmed as a Wii U game like a month ago (the game itself was only announced last October).

Technically, I think Ubisoft said at that E3 that "an" Assassin's Creed game would be coming to Wii U.  We just didn't know which one until last month, as some thought it might be a port of Revelations.

Chozo GhostApril 11, 2012

At least it isn't going to be an on rails spin off. ;)

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: Chozo

At least it isn't going to be an on rails spin off. ;)

Well, if they made one it would probably be the most useful the gun has been in any Assassin's Creed game.  :P:

Man, that weapon has been consistently useless in every AC game it's been in, especially in Brotherhood when it was unceremoniously supplanted by the silent and accurate crossbow.

YmeegodApril 11, 2012

?  Are you kidding me?  The gun was overkill in my opinion.  The AI only reacts to you if you standing in an area but outside of that you'll be able to kill them without themeven reacting.

Kinda killed the fun out of brotherhood since you didn't even need to bother with stealth anymore.  All you had to do was double tap the action button, first to auto-target and blam--another body hit the floor.

broodwarsApril 11, 2012

Quote from: Ymeegod

?  Are you kidding me?  The gun was overkill in my opinion.  The AI only reacts to you if you standing in an area but outside of that you'll be able to kill them without themeven reacting.

Kinda killed the fun out of brotherhood since you didn't even need to bother with stealth anymore.  All you had to do was double tap the action button, first to auto-target and blam--another body hit the floor.

I've always found the gun extremely inaccurate, and it's a very loud and slow weapon.  Brotherhood's crossbow by comparison is quick, very accurate, and silent from a much longer range.  It's everything I always wished the gun had been, considering the build-up to getting it in AC2.

Chozo GhostApril 12, 2012

I've only played the first Assassin's Creed, so I know not of this gun and crossbow of which you speak.

I'm quite amazed they bothered making sequels when the first AC sucked so much, but I guess its a good thing they did. I guess it gets much better in the sequels.

BlackNMild2k1April 12, 2012

Quote from: broodwars

Quote from: Ymeegod

I'm pretty sure RE6 will be released on the WII U and the only reason why Capcom hasn't announced it yet it because of the "non-disclosure" agreements set up in place.

Considering that Ubisoft has already announced Assassin's Creed 3 for Wii U (as well as Sega with Aliens: Colonial Marines and THQ with Darksiders 2), I find it unlikely that there are NDAs blocking Capcom from announcing this.

Ask the developers of those 3 games to divulge any info other than what is already publically known (for the most part since the E3 reveals/announcements of all those games) and then we'll see if there is an NDA preventing the announcement of more games.

There are games we are all pretty sure are being made for Wii U and the devs of those games can't say anything more than "we would love to release this on the Wii U at some point...."

It really makes me wonder how iron clad these NDA's are that Nintendo puts out... in fact, they must be so leak proof, that not even Sony or MS can get a copy and use it for their own purposes.

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)April 12, 2012

Good point, those other games were announced at E3 by Nintendo themselves. RE6 was unknown at that point.

I don't think we've got official annoucements of any brand-new Wii U games since E3 have we?

I do hope Nintendo are just storing all these games up ready to unleash a barrage at E3.
I can just envision a showreel of like 20 games, half known, half new.
I just hope RE6 is one of them!

BlackNMild2k1April 12, 2012

Project Cars is the only one that managed to make an "announcement" as a Wii U game a few months ago(Wii U logo popped on their site back in Jan.), but they have already removed that Wii U logo from the site (they removed all system logos as far as I could tell).

No one else dared peep a confirming word about a title coming to Wii U (unless you count the RE6 on Wii U rumor)

Kytim89April 12, 2012

I am going to be really pissed if Max Payne 3 misses the Wii U.

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