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New Downloadable Games Available on Club Nintendo

by Mike Gamin - January 11, 2012, 6:50 am EST
Total comments: 19 Source: https://club.nintendo.com/, (Club Nintendo)

Spend your hard earned coins on new games starting today!

Club Nintendo's reward offerings were updated today. While the downloadable games from December are no longer available, four new games have taken their place.

Like last time, the games can be ordered in the same manner as other rewards on the Club's site. Upon ordering, you will receive a code that can then be entered into the corresponding platform's online shop. The Wii offerings are Dr. Mario Online Rx for 100 coins and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for 150 coins. For 3DS you can get Kirby's Dream Land for 100 coins and Dr. Mario Express for 150 coins.

This time the games are available until January 31, 2012. Make sure you register your games and take your surveys before then if you are interested!


HawkeyeJanuary 11, 2012

Kirby is an almost certain download for me. I love having instant access to downloaded games on a portable, and I will forever be attracted to games from my childhood--especially the ones I never had a chance to play.

Presently, Tetris and Super Mario Land 2 are stealing time from Pushmo, and all three are all stealing time from Mario Kart 7--the game I assumed I would be playing the most.

5kytarJanuary 11, 2012

I kinda wish I didn't already own all of these games already. Y'know... so I can actually use my accumulated coins to get "free" games.

HawkeyeJanuary 11, 2012

If you are feeling really generous, you could aways give one as a gift to a friend...or to a random acquaintance on the NWR boards. ;) Kidding. But I do appreciate that the codes are giftable.

ejamerJanuary 11, 2012

Nice batch of games, once again. Majora's Mask in particular is a great giveaway for anyone who hasn't already played or downloaded it.

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorJanuary 11, 2012

Strangely, I didn't own any of these games yet... so I blew all my coins on all 4.

I figure I should spend 'em while I can spend 'em on games I don't have. :)

TrueNerdJanuary 11, 2012

I have Majora's Mask on that Zelda Collection GameCube disc, but it's got all those audio bugs. Am I correct in believing that those were fixed on the Virtual Console version?

TennindoJanuary 11, 2012

I want Zelda Links Awakening.

CericJanuary 11, 2012

I was going to grab Fluidity... oh well.

TJ SpykeJanuary 11, 2012

I want the WiiWare Mario and Kirby, maybe the DSiWare Mario. I have no interest in Majora's Mask, which is easily the worst 3D Zelda IMO.

Got Kirby.

Beat it ten minutes later.

Beat hard mode?

broodwarsJanuary 11, 2012

Well, there's nothing here for me this month, though that's not too surprising as I expected I already owned almost anything NoA would put up.  Still, Majora's Mask is an excellent game.  If you've avoided it for some reason or another, now's a good time to give it a try.  Dr. Mario isn't my thing, but the WiiWare version Nintendo's offering had good reviews IIRC.  I would have picked up Kirby if it was the NES version, but I don't have any plans to get a 3DS).

Quote from: TrueNerd

I have Majora's Mask on that Zelda Collection GameCube disc, but it's got all those audio bugs. Am I correct in believing that those were fixed on the Virtual Console version?

They were fixed. Majora's Mask is smooth as butter on VC.

Quote from: NWR_Neal

Beat hard mode?

"Hard mode." That's funny.

RazorkidJanuary 12, 2012

I absolutely love this! AND I do not own any of these games (except MM which I bought but never got past the 2nd dungeon on N64 when it launched).

Nothing for me this month, but it's a good batch. Majora's Mask is a no-brainer if you don't already have it!

MorcantJanuary 12, 2012

Yep, Majora's Mask is going to find itself on my Wii today. I haven't played it since the N64, and even then only beat it once. It will be like playing it for the first time.

I've never played Majora's Mask, but I'm holding off in anticipation of the 3DS port they've hinted at.

Also, anyone considering the 3DS Dr. Mario, remember that basically that entire game is unlockable as part of Wario Ware if you have the Ambassador games.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterJanuary 15, 2012

I went ahead and downloaded Dr. Mario for WiiWare. Had I bought this I would have thought it was OK, but as a fairly cheap Club Nintendo purchase it's pretty fun. I was never a big fan of Dr. Mario, but this has some fun modes.

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