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No Online Multiplayer for Monster Hunter 3G on 3DS

by Danny Bivens - October 19, 2011, 9:55 am EDT
Total comments: 8 Source: http://andriasang.com/comynb/, (Andriasang)

Those of you hoping to play online with friends might be a little disappointed.

Monster Hunter 3G for the Nintendo 3DS will not feature online cooperative play. In a recent announcement, Capcom clarified the nature of the online components of the game, stating that the title only uses online functionality to download event quests. Gamers can still play the game with other players locally.

Monster Hunter 3G arrives on the 3DS on December 10 in Japan.


KITT 10KOctober 19, 2011

(While I don't plan on getting this game for lack of interest), no online multiplayer option kinda sucks for a game like this. Still having local play is cool, but they should've put online play in there too.

AilingforaleOctober 19, 2011

In all honestly, no online multiplayer totally kills the desire for me buying this game.  That makes me sad... maybe when it hits the states it will be online? What's that? Probably not... lame...

I might get it depending if my house mate is willing/wanting to play a lot, but if not then I'll just have to hope that MH4 is done right.

BlackNMild2k1October 19, 2011

I don't think MH3G was coming stateside anyway.

I don't know if it was confirmed or not, but last I heard, 3G was Japan exclusive, 4 was gonna be Worldwide.

DanielMDaniel Mousseau, Staff AlumnusOctober 19, 2011

I don't care if it's local only, I want this game so bad. I still play Tri daily. So I really hope it comes to NA.

AVOctober 19, 2011

Quote from: DanielM

I don't care if it's local only, I want this game so bad. I still play Tri daily. So I really hope it comes to NA.

Your part of the problem. Why bother, they will re-buy that has only been out for less than 3 years if its on 3ds. I bet the 4th one will have online play but this is a simple cash grab for people like yourself and japanese gamers

CericOctober 19, 2011

Quote from: Mr.

Quote from: DanielM

I don't care if it's local only, I want this game so bad. I still play Tri daily. So I really hope it comes to NA.

Your part of the problem. Why bother, they will re-buy that has only been out for less than 3 years if its on 3ds. I bet the 4th one will have online play but this is a simple cash grab for people like yourself and japanese gamers

IF we use this thread as a representative sample then 4 out of 5 Sampled people wouldn't buy this game without online.  Here in the states there are rabid MH fans  who will import a 3DS to play this game but, to have just MHTri level of success here they would need online.

famicomplicatedJames Charlton, Associate Editor (Japan)October 20, 2011

Another massive chance to make a worthy online title for the 3DS wasted.

I still won't believe that Mario Kart 7 has online until I see it, right now it feels like a myth.

How many games have online co-op or versus on 3DS now? All I can think of is Mercs 3D and Street Fighter, am I missing any?

Mop it upOctober 20, 2011

This is no surprise really, the remakes don't usually have online play, just the main series.

Quote from: famicomplicated

How many games have online co-op or versus on 3DS now? All I can think of is Mercs 3D and Street Fighter, am I missing any?

Dead or Alive Dimensions and Tetris Axis come to mind.

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