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Majesco Announces Nano Assault for 3DS

by J.P. Corbran - April 14, 2011, 12:32 pm EDT
Total comments: 5 Source: http://majescoentertainment.com/news/display_news....

Shooter is expected to launch this fall.

Majesco Entertainment Company announced a new 3DS game, developed by Shin'en, titled Nano Assault. The game is a fast-paced shooter that takes place at the cellular level. The player pilots a ship through alien cell clusters, fighting infections and destroying the virus. 

The title features 32 stages with difficulty adjusting automatically based on the player's skill level, and includes leaderboard functionality as well as an unlockable mission mode. Majesco expects the game to be released in the fall


CericApril 14, 2011


The title features 32 stages with difficulty adjusting automatically based on the player's skill level, and includes leaderboard functionality as well as an unlockable mission mode.

You know I never really got how a game can truly automagically adjust for skill level.  I mean my son I just got a Sesame street game for and how is it going to figure out that he really can just waggle on demand and not much else?

NanoStray 3? Okay, I'm interested.

EnnerApril 14, 2011

Quote from: Ceric


The title features 32 stages with difficulty adjusting automatically based on the player's skill level, and includes leaderboard functionality as well as an unlockable mission mode.

You know I never really got how a game can truly automagically adjust for skill level.  I mean my son I just got a Sesame street game for and how is it going to figure out that he really can just waggle on demand and not much else?

I figure the simplest way would be to manipulate the damage tables in the player's favor if the player appears to be failing a lot.

CericMay 24, 2011

Quote from: MegaByte

Looking awesome

Agree but, it doesn't look very interesting from those screenshots.  I'll have to see it in motion.

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