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New Guitar Hero DLC Releases Ending in February

by Karlie Yeung - February 10, 2011, 2:11 pm EST
Total comments: 2 Source: http://www.djhero.com/en-gb/community/news/638?tab...

Nothing more will be released beyond the tracks already announced.

An FAQ page posted on the official DJ Hero website confirms that no further downloadable content for the Guitar Hero and DJ Hero series will be released beyond the track and mix packs already announced for February.

It also re-iterates yesterday's news that work on both series of games has stopped entirely due to the closure of Activision's music business division. Product sales of the current catalogue will continue, as will currently available DLC and customer support.

UK-based DJ Hero developer Freestyle Games issued the following statement confirming they are working with Activision on options going forward for the studio. David Osbourn, Jamie Jackson and Chris Lee (the studio's design director, creative director and commercial director, respectively), had the following to say: "No decisions have been taken at this stageā€¦ We appreciate everyone's support through this process and will be as open and transparent as possible as soon as we know more."


MorariFebruary 10, 2011

Guitar Hero is dead and Rock Band is dying. I'll be glad to see the music game fad go away... or at least fade so far out of prominence that it matters about as much as DDR. :P

EnnerFebruary 10, 2011

Next Beatmania and DJ Max will have its time to shine!
Oh, the ways I kid myself.

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