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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Price and Release Date Announced

by Pedro Hernandez - September 28, 2010, 12:41 pm EDT
Total comments: 10 Source: http://wii.ign.com/articles/112/1123854p1.html, (IGN)

Sega announces the release date of Sonic's return to classic platforming.

Sega has announced the release date and final price for Sonic 4: Episode 1 for all platforms, WiiWare included.

The title will be released on the Wii Shop Channel on October 11, priced at 1500 Wii Points ($15).

The series will offer 2D gameplay through a variety of zones inspired by the Genesis games, continuing from the Sonic and Knuckles title. Episode 1 of this new series was originally scheduled for a summer release, but delayed for improvements. It is not yet known how many episodes will be released in total.


FZeroBoyoSeptember 28, 2010

So given that the average number of titles in these episodic games is 5, does this mean we'll be paying more than full retail price for this one? Interesting...

Mop it upSeptember 28, 2010

Eesh, $15 for just one episode? That seems high. How many will there be? This is probably going to be a full-priced game or higher once every episode is out.

TJ SpykeSeptember 28, 2010

Quote from: FZeroBoyo

So given that the average number of titles in these episodic games is 5, does this mean we'll be paying more than full retail price for this one? Interesting...

You are just going by Telltale Games, most are not that long.

Mop, I haven't seen Sega give any hint at how many games will make up STH4.

I'm sure it will depend on how successful the first episode is.

CalibanSeptember 28, 2010

$15? I'm just going to wait for the reviews. Even then I would rather spend part of my limited budget on Kirby's Epic Yarn.

I seem to recall something about 3 episodes being planned, but 1000/1500 Reggies is still too rich for my blood (especially when the better retro revival platformer hits a week later in Epic Yarn).

Kytim89September 28, 2010

Nintendo Power says that this game is 1000 wii points.

I have no problem with standalone $15 downloads, but it seems a little high considering the game's episodic format. Of course, we don't yet know how long each episode will be. Sonic 4 didn't really impress back at E3, but then they delayed it to supposedly shore up the game's quality, so we'll see.

Kytim89September 29, 2010

Quote from: Jonnyboy117

I have no problem with standalone $15 downloads, but it seems a little high considering the game's episodic format. Of course, we don't yet know how long each episode will be. Sonic 4 didn't really impress back at E3, but then they delayed it to supposedly shore up the game's quality, so we'll see.

Nintendo Power reported that each episode is three levels each with a bonus level of some sorts that is unlocked after completing the game.

Will this game be playable with the Gamecube controller? If so, I might use my controller adapter to play this game with the Genesis controller for a more authentic feel.

TJ SpykeSeptember 29, 2010

Quote from: Kytim89

Nintendo Power says that this game is 1000 wii points.

And Sega says 1500 points. Who do you think is right? A third party game magazine, or the company publishing the game? Maybe originally it was gonna be 1000 (although that is not confirmed), it is gonna be 1500.

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