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Upcoming WiiWare Game Combines Endless Ocean And Metroid

by Neal Ronaghan - April 18, 2010, 4:57 pm EDT
Total comments: 4 Source: Nintendo Power

Dive: The Medes Island Secret, from Cosmonaut Games, is a side-scrolling WiiWare title focused on exploration that uses the NyxQuest engine.

While Dive: The Medes Island Secret has been known about for a while, the latest issue of Nintendo Power shed more light on the upcoming title from Spanish developer Cosmonaut Games.

Dive is a side-scrolling underwater exploration game that puts you in control of John Sanders, a researcher who seeks to uncover the Medes Island Secret and more. It's based off of the engine used for NyxQuest, and Over The Top Games, the studio behind that game, are helping out Cosmonaut with the upcoming game.

There are 10 different areas to discover that are based on real areas, such as Tortuga Island and the Cayman Islands. Your task in each area is to discover a big treasure, but there are multitudes of hidden areas that you can access along the way, most of which require the use of different upgrades that can be purchased with treasures you find, ranging from wetsuits for deeper diving to oxygen tanks, which double as your health.

You also have a few weapons at your disposal, such as harpoons, that are used to ward off sharks, jellyfish, and more.

Dive: The Medes Island Secret should be hitting WiiWare soon. Check below for the trailer:


ZoltanApril 18, 2010

Wow, you can tell it's running on the same engine as NyxQuest, it looks gorgeous for a Wiiware game.  I just wish I could see some gameplay of it, I'd need that before my interest goes up any further.

HOT. I love the developer's name, too.

StratosApril 19, 2010

Looks sweet. I love those exploration games.

Makes me think of Operation Neptune where you traveled through an underwater world ti retrieve the parts of a fallen space probe. It was pretty awesome for an edutainment title.

KDR_11kApril 19, 2010

Where do I send my money?

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