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New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fighting Game Coming to Wii

by Jared Rosenberg - December 11, 2008, 6:40 am EST
Total comments: 37 Source: Nintendo Power

The heroes in a half shell return in a fighting game designed by former members of Team Ninja and Sakurai's Super Smash Bros. Brawl team.

The latest issue of Nintendo Power has revealed that Ubisoft is publishing a brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fighting game for the Wii. According to the magazine, the fighter is being developed by ex-Team Ninja employees and former staff members of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl development team.

Similar to the Viewtiful Joe and Smash Bros series, the game is rendered in 3D, but gameplay occurs on a 2D plane. Up to four players will be able to fight it out in a variety of interactive stages and modes, including Battle Royale, Story, Tournament, and VS. Additionally, the developer is promising that the finished product will have a better online mode than the one featured in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

The new title is far from the first fighting game to include the anthropomorphic turtles. Konami previously released TMNT: Tournament Fighters in the early 90s and TMNT: Mutant Melee in 2005.

The currently unnamed TMNT fighter has been in development since early this year and is scheduled to hit store shelves in September 2009.


Rock! I love me some TMNT and hopefully I will love this game when it comes out next year.
With the development staff being so respectable, I really think this game has to try hard to suck. I just hope that doesn't happen.

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusDecember 11, 2008

What Neal said.

vuduDecember 11, 2008

On one hand I want to be excited.  On the other, I know it will suck.

Anyone play Tournament Fighters back in the day?  Oh man, did it suck.

KDR_11kDecember 11, 2008

The developers have credentials but I'm worried about Ubisoft.

Bill AurionDecember 11, 2008

Quote from: vudu

Anyone play Tournament Fighters back in the day?  Oh man, did it suck.

Which one?  The Genesis and NES versions were horrible, but the SNES version wasn't THAT bad...(Not to mention, a completely different game than this one will be...)

Boy, I thought the Tournament Fighter games were alright, especially the SNES version.

I hope this new game features a fighting system similar to Smash Bros., because that would make for a great party game. Viewtiful Joe made it work (sort of), so it can work for the TMNT. I really hope the developers make an effort to reflect the entire colorful history of the franchise in the character roster. In my opinion, nothing beats the original Eastman & Laird treatment, but the next-best thing is the recent animated series in terms of art direction. Characters I'd like to see:

Karai/Lady Shredder (transforms like Samus in Smash Bros.?)
Armaggon (from the Archie Adventures Series, was also in Tournament Fighters)
Null (also from the Archie series)
Leatherhead (the original Leatherhead, please, not the cajun bastardization)
Umeko ("Ninjara" from the Archie series)
Zog (a Triceraton soldier from the new animated series)

Other suggestions?

Bebop and Rocksteady, Tokka and Rahzar, Casey Jones.
While I appreciate the comics and all, my love for the series comes from the three movies (naturally, tmnt 3 is not seen as a movie) and the Turtles in Time video game.
I would love to see a game rich with characters from the Turtles' history.

GeneralTraagDecember 11, 2008

Quote from: Halbred

Other suggestions?

GeneralTraag- The rock soldier from Dimension X from the original animated series.
Baxter Stockman- from the original animated series.
Rat King
Usagi Yojimbo-from the Archie comic and original animated series.

GoldenPhoenixDecember 11, 2008

I so want to see Bebop, Rocksteady adn Krang back. I love the new series but I miss those characters.

MaleficentOgreDecember 11, 2008

Turtle Titan
Silver Sentry
All different manner of foot ninjas. Those guys are great in the games.
Maybe those four stone dudes from TMNT
Traximus the triceritron

I just hope the game is fun. It needs a lot of characters. A lot can be forgiven by throwing lots of secrets in.
I don't much mind ubisoft.

I should point out that Usagi Yojimbo was a crossover in the original Mirage series. Good character, though. It'd be great to see him in the game, though there might be licensing issues. By the same token, you could put Cerebus the Aardvark in there.

GoldenPhoenixDecember 11, 2008

Quote from: Halbred

I should point out that Usagi Yojimbo was a crossover in the original Mirage series. Good character, though. It'd be great to see him in the game, though there might be licensing issues. By the same token, you could put Cerebus the Aardvark in there.

I hate that ugly rabbit samurai.

MaleficentOgreDecember 11, 2008

Miyamoto Usagi is an awesome character in his own stuff, I do really really love his appearances in the Turtles world. I like how the new cartoon series brought him and Gen in for a bit.

WuTangTurtleDecember 12, 2008

Tournament Fighters on the SNES was pretty good, my friend had the NES one......so sad, lol.  Hey what was the robot turtle called?  Oh and what was that boss character from Turtles in Time in the prehistoric level?  I always liked those bosses, they had the coolest attacks.....cheap but very cool.

vuduDecember 12, 2008

Quote from: Halbred

Other suggestions?

Who was the semi-retarded turtle who was always looking for his binky?  I loved that guy as a kid.

Luigi DudeDecember 12, 2008

Quote from: vudu

Who was the semi-retarded turtle who was always looking for his binky?  I loved that guy as a kid.

I believe that'd be Slash.

I think you mean Slash. The cartoon turned him into some kind of barely-functional moron, but his origins lie in the Archie Adventures series. Like so many other plot devices in that series, Slash was just an excuse to pound the readership with an eco-friendly message. Namely, all the trees on his home planet had been chopped down by some big galactic corporation, and he vowed revenge.

The Mutanimals (shudder) eventually found Slash a home on some lush tropical island on Earth that was protected by the government.

NinGurl69 *hugglesDecember 12, 2008

I remember in the cartoon Slash ended up on a tropical island and was like "OOOOH, BIG BINKY!!"

MaleficentOgreDecember 13, 2008

Slash was such a bother in turltes in time.

Quote from: MaleficentOgre

Slash was such a bother in turltes in time.

I love that game besides that boss fight.

EasyCureDecember 13, 2008

Quote from: nron10

Quote from: MaleficentOgre

Slash was such a bother in turltes in time.

I love that game besides that boss fight.

Why the F can't i remember this fight..?

EDIT: had to look up a speedrun. I always hated that level for some reason. I think that by the time i got the game, i didn't remember too much of the cartoon so I didnt remember who Slash was... Yet when i googled his image and saw the cartoon version, i remembered instantly what you guys were talking about. Weird.

ToruresuDecember 13, 2008


Why are you guys exited? I never really liked them that much, was like a fad. Where are my Thundercats or Silverhawks videogames?!

TMNT is no fad, sir.

I have fantastic childhood memories of the turtles that range from comics and cartoons to movies and video games. I might be alone in this, but I really dug the recent movie.
I gladly welcome any attempt to make good TMNT games.

KDR_11kDecember 14, 2008

I mostly had the toys, only saw a small number of episodes from the cartoon and had one volume of the comic book IIRC. Still better than Transformers which I've never seen the show of :P.

GoldenPhoenixDecember 14, 2008

If TMNT is a fad, why did the first show last 10 seasons and the new TMNT show is currently on season 7? Guess X-Men and Spider-man are fads as well!

MaleficentOgreDecember 14, 2008

TMNT is a great movie.

Quote from: MaleficentOgre

TMNT is a great movie.

Most definitely. I hope the rumors for another live action one come true.

ToruresuDecember 14, 2008

Oh! I apologize for calling TMNT a fad as a whole, I ment for me. Should have read "was a phase for me".

But seriously, I never liked the TMNT that much, thats all I ment. :)

Still, no Thundercats or Solverhawk love? lol

EasyCureDecember 14, 2008

I loved Thundercats as a kid but i tried watching it wit my brother (who was a bigger fan) and i couldnt get into it.

I never heard of Solverhawk....

ToruresuDecember 14, 2008

Ack! Silverhawks! Bad typo hehe

GoldenPhoenixDecember 14, 2008

Quote from: Toruresu

Oh! I apologize for calling TMNT a fad as a whole, I ment for me. Should have read "was a phase for me".

But seriously, I never liked the TMNT that much, thats all I ment. :)

Still, no Thundercats or Solverhawk love? lol


EasyCureDecember 14, 2008

Quote from: Toruresu

Ack! Silverhawks! Bad typo hehe

HA! Still haven't heard of it ;)

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorDecember 15, 2008

Quote from: Halbred

Other suggestions?


Yeah, I went there.

Actually, yeah, she'd make a great unlockable character. A shout-out to the turtle fanboys who really stuck with the series through thick and thin. Everybody else would be saying "who the f*ck is she?"

GoldenPhoenixDecember 15, 2008

Quote from: UncleBob

Quote from: Halbred

Other suggestions?


Yeah, I went there.

I never was able to see the live action show.

White MageDecember 15, 2008

As long as I can play as Krang, I'd be happy.  Best.Voice.Ever.

EasyCureDecember 15, 2008

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

Quote from: UncleBob

Quote from: Halbred

Other suggestions?


Yeah, I went there.

I never was able to see the live action show.

I asked for the movie for xmas one year and my aunt got me a VHS of some TMNT Musical... it was a sad xmas for me.

Same thing happened when i wanted the Ghostbusters movie, i got some animated film instead of the feature film. It wasn't as bad as the musical TMNT though ;)

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