Animal Crossing 2, Killer Instinct, SNK vs Capcom: Chaos, GBA FF3 & Chrono Trigger, River King, GTA and F-Zero have crowbarred themselves into this bag of mail. Got a question? Feed the bag!
Mc Govern asks: What is the story with Animal Crossing 2? I have heard that it is just an updated version of AC for Japan since their game isn't as good as the US version. Will AC2 be a completely new game?
Aussie Ben says: I don't know about Animal Crossing 2, but the version you're hearing about is Animal Forest e+ which has e-Reader and GameCube to GBA Link Cable support. In other words, it's the US version of Animal Crossing. To my knowledge, there hasn't been any official information on Animal Crossing 2 yet.
Daniel says: I think Nintendo has been holding back info on AC2 because it's taken a lot of time to get the first game into all the regions they want it. They're focusing on the Christmas and Spring games now. We may not hear anything new until the new year or even next E3.
Johnny Awesome asks: I would like to know when will Killer Instinct come out and for what system? What systems is SVC: Chaos coming out on?
Daniel says: If a new KI comes out at all, it will either be for GBA, Xbox, or knowing Rare, Microsoft's next system.
Ty says: SVC Chaos is coming out for PS2 and Neo-Geo MVS, as far as I know. I heard it might even be getting released on DreamCast in Japan. It's still a fair possibility that it'll come to GC and Xbox, but right now it's still kind of a mystery.
cybertaur asks: When will Squaresoft release Final Fantasy III or Chrono Trigger on GBA? Why haven't they so far?
TYP says: Final Fantasy III I have no experience with, but I firmly believe that Chrono Trigger cannot work on the GBA. Why do I say this? Go revisit the game for yourself and take a gander at the battle menu interface. Chrono Trigger's menus are HUGE, at times filling over 75% of the screen. Sure, the menu graphics could be redesigned to take up less space, but I still doubt Square Enix could squeeze all of that info onto the GBA screen in a legible format alongside the pseudo-real-time battle scene. In my opinion a sequel designed for the GBA is much more likely.
Daniel says: Hrm... The only problem I see with them being done on GBA is with sound quality, and actually I'm a little surprised that Square-Enix hasn't jumped on this yet. They're usually pretty fond of re-makes -- Sword of Mana being a fine example. I think we'll see them eventually if Sony hasn't already snagged them for the PSP.
Jonny says: The most likely reason is that both games were recently released for PlayStation, and SquareEnix wants to wait a little longer before going into the GBA market. I think eventually all of these old RPGs will be released on GBA and/or PSP, but it takes longer than you think to port a game to a handheld system, especially with the different screen aspects and resolutions.
HM Mountain asks: Do you guys know the release date for River King on the GBA? The game has
been listed on Natsumes website for a long while now with a release date of
"Coming Soon!" Now the site has updated, and the release date has changed
to "TBA". I've been to a ton of game sites looking for info but the game
isn't even listed on any of them. I know that the game has been out in
Japan for awhile, so I'm wondering whats going on with it.
Daniel says: Natsume may be reconsidering releasing the game here. Their E3 materials stated Quarter 3 2003, which is already past, and EB Games doesn't seem to be listing it at this time either.
Greg: I have been trying to post my times on the F-zero website. The game gives me a 12 digit password, but the website wants 16 digits. How does this work?
Daniel says: Well, I'm at a measly 912th place on the second course, but it seems that you have to enter on your own region. So if you have a Japanese disc, you need to go to the Japanese side of the site to enter your info. Once you're in the right place having only 12 of 16 digits doesn't seem to make a difference.
Cesar asks: Hi PlanetGameCube! Rockstar doesn't seem to be interested in realeasing the GTA doublepack on GameCube. Could it be that the GameCube discs are to small to fit huge games like GTA3 or Vice City? Or is it that Nintendo doesn't want GTA on their console? What do you guys think?
Mike S. says: It's most likely neither of the two. Grand Theft Auto for the PC takes up two discs (one install, one play) and that is only a total of 1.3GB. GameCube discs hold 1.5GB. I'm sure Nintendo would love to have GTA on their console, because they think it would sell very well. Most likely, Rockstar doesn't want to release GTA on the GameCube because they don't think it would be worth their time and money to release the game on a system that is not owned by as many people as the PS2 or Xbox.
Ty says: Maybe that recent insanely-high sales pickup will change their minds...?
Jonny says: Rockstar has released a couple of games on GameCube, so I don't think they hate Nintendo. They just think, and perhaps rightly so, that GTA wouldn't sell very well on the GameCube. Sure, some hardcore people would buy it, but many of us super-hardcore Nintendo fans have a PS2 and the GTA games anyway. I don't even expect the double pack to sell all that great on Xbox, because again, there aren't that many people who own an Xbox but not a PS2.