Reverse compatibility, Louie, a good chair to go with racing wheels, more... feed the bag!
Jeff asks: I was disappointed to read that new systems may be released in 2005. Buying a video game system, at least for me, is a big investment. I don't just walk over $200 every day, and I was disappointed that the Gamecube that I bought will be out-of-date so soon. However, I don't want the games to be out-of-date. Do you think that Nintendo will at least make Gamecube games playable on the new system, unlike the games for N64?
TYP says: I'm sure Nintendo knows many appreciate PS2's backwards compatibility, but Nintendo will only put in the money for such a feature in its next system if it decides it would be profitable. If doing so would sell enough old GameCube games and new hardware I'm sure NCL would jump on backwards compatibility in a heartbeat. Keep in mind that this feature is a bonus feature and not something that SHOULD be expected from a home console. Only one handheld can fit in a pocket, but many consoles can fit on a shelf.
Mike Suzuki says: I believe Nintendo is looking to take on Sony and Microsoft on even ground for the next round of consoles, so if there's any indication that PS3 or Xbox2 will be backwards compatible, then Nintendo's next system will do likewise. While only a small percentage of consumers may actually use this type of feature, it helps add to their perceived value of a game console. When you're marketing a new system, all the extra marketing bullet-points help, so hopefully Nintendo is giving the idea of backwards compatibility strong consideration, particularly if the media type is not changed significantly.
Bloodworth says: Yes, the marketing advantage is really key. One of the big reasons people jumped on the bandwagon for the PS2 and the GBA SP is that they could sell or trade in their old systems to help them afford the new system.
The only major barrier I can see would come if the GC's piracy protection is fully cracked. If that happened, Nintendo may decide to abandon the old encryption method and backwards-compatibility.
Supernintenjoe asks: Say... what do you think the chances are Nintendo will make the Game Boy Player compatible with their next console?
TYP says: I think this would be a smart and painless move for Nintendo. All it would have to do is make room for the hardware and a new boot disc (if the system isn't backwards compatible, that is). I'd say there's a 90% chance that the GBP will be compatible with or integrated into the GameCube's successor.
Mike Suzuki says: I'm not as optimistic as TYP. If the design of their next console allows for easy use of the GBP, then it could happen, but I really think they're more likely to come out with a new version of the GBP designed specifically for the new console. Of course, even when the new console comes out, your old GameCube won't stop working so it's not like the GBP will be obsolete. And if you wanted to sell your old GameCube to help towards the purchase of a new console...well, then you might be out of luck.
Ty says: I'm intrigued by the idea of integrating it into the next system. It might be a pretty good selling point. On the other hand, Nintendo generally doesn't include anything they don't have to on a system launch in order to get a really low price point...
A whole lot of people ask: Where's Louie?
Rick says: Louie is still around, but the rumor mill usually grinds to a halt after E3. Not that there haven't been some truly juicy ones flying around, but many of those were disproven or debunked shortly afterwards, so he hasn't had a whole lot to say.
Mike Suzuki says: The last I heard the little furball was stuck in England. It seems he went over for an English Grammar seminar at Oxford but is having some difficulties getting back into the US. I think there are concerns that he's been hanging out with the wrong kinds of cats, looking to smuggle catnip, and speaking out in support of the Dixie Chicks...or something...or maybe I've just had too much sake tonight.
Evil Raptor asks: Is there any chances to see a third episode of Golden Sun on the Game Boy Advance? Or even better : on the GameCube!?
Rick says: We talked to the Takahashi Bros. at Camelot during E3, and one of the things that THEY asked US about was whether or not we would be interested in seeing a Golden Sun game on the GameCube. We were pretty emphatic that we thought it was an excellent idea, but whether or not one is being planned is still unknown.
Adam A asks: In preperationg for FZERO GX's release here stateside, I've obtained the officially licensed Logitech Speed Force wheel that has been purported to be supported by FZERO GX. I have been looking for an Arcade cabinet style chair, with a place to mount the steering wheel-minus the cabinet itself. It would be much appreciated if you could tell me where to find one on the net. I've looked everywhere and can't find it, yet I know it exists!
Steven says: - This is the only one I know of. Expect to pay $300 for this puppy, plus $30+ shipping. If you really, REALLY need something like this, it's the best (and the only, I believe).
TYP says: If you only bought the wheel for F-Zero you'd be better off selling Logitech's product than buying some kick-ass chair, as F-Zero and the official wheel didn't get along well at all at E3.
The Grate White Dope asks: Hey, I was wondering about translators, freeloaders, or whatever they are called. The things you use to play japanesse games on your nintendo system. I want to know where I can find one for the SNES and how much it would cost because I need it to play Super Fire Pro Wrestling, if you could tell me it'd help alot.
Ty says: For the SNES, you can just pop out the plastic tabs blocking the Japanese cartridges, or run it through a Game Genie or something. It's easy as pie.
RedEvacl asks: Are there any in depth realistic racing games for the GameCube?
Ty says: R: Racer Evolution is going to be rad when it comes out. It's being made by Namco and seems a bit like, say, Gran Turismo with a story featuring hot fictional girls. I better do that preview before Jonny throws me in the ocean.