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North America

Smuggler's Run: Warzones

by Mike Sklens - August 25, 2002, 1:13 pm EDT

Mike S delivers his contraband impressions before time runs out!

After hearing good things from Ty about the first Smuggler’s Run on the Playstation2, I became interested in the title. The gameplay reminds me of Crazy Taxi, which I’m hopelessly addicted to. You play a smuggler who has to complete a variety of missions. Most of them involve picking up illegal contraband and delivering it to another location. Other missions involve chasing down other smugglers and spies and destroying their vehicles. I just finished the Russian missions and am moving to Vietnam. Nothing has been too hard yet, but the challenge level is there. The game looks nice, with lush environments and detailed vehicles, though there is nothing spectacular. The real-time cut-scenes are very nice and add a lot of personality to the game. The controls take a little getting used to, and the gravity seems a bit lower than it should be. Both of these aspects make the controls seem a little “floaty.” I’m really digging the music in the game; it’s all techno and fits the feel of the game very well. Overall I’m really enjoying Smuggler’s Run: Warzones. Look for my review shortly.

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Genre Action
Developer Angel Studios
Players1 - 4

Worldwide Releases

na: Smuggler's Run: Warzones
Release Aug 07, 2002
PublisherRockstar Games
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