Being Jon Lindemann is a constant state of being with Jon Lindemann.
This week we did our Top Five Games of 2024.
For those unfamiliar with the ritual, as performed by RFN, there are effectively zero rules. The broad guidelines are any game from 2024 on Nintendo systems. Neither of these criteria are rules, both are flexible. At a minimum, it should at least be a game you played in 2024, but even there we have seen games not played in the relevant year. Admittedly, those were exceptional cases.
Additionally, given this outrageously loose guideline, it would be impossible for us to attempt to reach some kind of consensus on a collective Top Five, so the list is personal.
There is, of course, overlap. The #1 spot is shared on two lists. You will not guess the game - in this I have immense confidence. I am likewise sure that someone will message us saying they did guess it, but I know they speak in lies.
Whisper your digital deceptions into our electronic ears.