Ok, Nintendo should do what it did with the original Nintendo Entertainment System: They included with the system two different ways for the player to interact with the games: the standard game controller and the Light Gun Zapper, which was the "gimmick-slash-creative" controller.
This way games can still be ported to from the Sony and Microsoft systems and Nintendo gets to flex its creative muscle and introduce new ways for us to play.
As to what the non standard controller should be, I think something along the lines of a gyroscope based controller, using technology similar to what's shown here:
Gyration Ultra GTInstead of a mouse or tv remote like shape, I propose something like a flight joystick handle minus the base.
Think of what something like this could be used for:
You could point it at the screen like a gun in Duckhunt and the crosshairs would track with your movement.
You could swing it like a sword in a Light Saber fighting game.
You could use it as a tennis racket, a baseball bat, or a golf club. (a company called
Xavix is already doing something similar )
You could use it like a mouse for games that work better under a point and click interface like SimCity or Warcraft
What do you guys think?