I second getting Liberty or Death on NSO. My family didn’t have a PC when I was a kid so Koei’s line of PC-style strategy, exploration, and business games made them one of my favorite developers at the time. Liberty or Death is easily one of the best of their strategy games. I liked P.T.O. more at the time, but I’ve replayed most Koei SNES games as an adult and P.T.O. was the only one I found unplayable from a user experience post-2000 (others, like RotTK and Nobunaga, are simply not fun anymore).
Liberty or Death is still the best strategy game about the American Revolution that I’ve played whether in video/computer game form or board game form. It’s also the only Koei strategy game I’ve played where the battles hold up to board or miniature wargames (Uncharted Waters 2 as well, though I don't place it in the strategy genre, just one of the reasons it's one of my favorite games).