Author Topic: Mafia LXXXVIII: Hey Pikmin, Four...m A Mafia! Rules and Roles Thread.  (Read 15284 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Alright. Here we go. Time for another "Complicated" Khushrenada ruleset. Did you like my form/four..m pun? My Metroid Dread Mafia game seemed to have caused Nintendo to release their version of Metroid Dread soon after so maybe my version of Pikmin 4 will cause them to release their real version soon after as well.  ;)

You can read everything to familiarize yourself with all possible scenarios this game or you can just use the Table of Contents here to jump to the relevant information you want to learn more about.

Table of Contents

Gameplay Rules

How to Play
Majority Vote
The "No Vote Option
Voting Tiebreaker
Resolving Orders


Other Factions

The Bomber (aka Careening Dirigibug)
The Killer (aka Smoky Progg)

Townie Roles

Chief Detective (aka Emperor Bulblax)
Rookie Cop (aka Giant Breadbug)
Townie Doctor (aka Scornet Maestro)
Vote Master (aka Burrowing Snagret)
Vigilante (aka Baldy Long Legs)
Regular Townies (aka Creatures)

Mafia Roles

The Godfather (aka Captain Olimar)
Pikmin (aka Mafia Goons)

Mafia Orders

« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:57:31 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2022, 11:00:16 PM »
The Rules
(plagiarized from Pyropizm)

How To Play

The game consists of two to three factions. The main two factions are the Townie side and the Mafia side. Sometimes there is a third faction of Other roles consisting of a player or players that don't belong with either group and are working for a different outcome specific to them.

The Mafia is a small group of players who know each other's identities at the start of the game and thus know which player's they can trust as fellow mafia members. The Townies and Other roles generally do not know who else is in their groups and are working blindly against that organized force. The game is based off the social idea of what happens when an organized minority is pitted against an unorganized majority.

Every game day, each player is allowed to vote for whomever they believe is mafia or another role that is in opposition to the townie majority. Since all roles remain publicly anonymous at first, mafia members and the other opposing roles can and will vote along with the townies during the game day's in an effort to thwart and subvert the vote to an outcome that benefits them.

For each game day, a new thread will be made and will (possibly) open up with a narrative.  Each player then has the chance to vote off another player.  Simply type in BOLD for whom you wish to vote. For example, to vote for the player Bill Aurion you would include the message Vote Bill Aurion in a post you make.

You may change your vote as much as you like. However, if you change your vote do not delete your post. Just edit it to indicate that you have changed your mind. You could remove the bold font from the vote you want to change and add the suffix "un" to it so that Vote Bill Aurion would become un-vote Bill Aurion or alternatively you could strike out the text.

If a player has two or more votes in a thread such as Vote Bill Aurion and Vote Khushrenada then neither vote will count. One of those votes must be undone for the other to be counted. The host will try to alert a player to this issue if it occurs as quickly as possible to keep things running smoothly although it may also be pointed out by other players if they notice it.

Every night, the Mafia is able to make one hit. That means they can select a player they wish to eliminate from the game. These are not based on calendar numbers but rather on game days. A specific player in the Mafia will be assigned that responsibility and all other Mafia members will be informed who has it by the host.

For the Townies to win, they must remove all mafia members and any other roles that may be in opposition to them.

For the Mafia to win, they only need to tie the game. I.E., there could be four players left in the game and two are Townie members and two are Mafia members. The Mafia would win at having equaled the number of townies left. They do not need to eliminate everyone. However, if there is an Other role that isn't in the townie category, such as a Killer role, then the Mafia would still need to eliminate that role to claim victory even if they equal or surpass the number of townie players left.

For an Other role that isn't in the Townie or Mafia faction then their win condition will be listed in the description of their role.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2022, 11:15:07 PM »
Majority Vote Rule

What Is A Majority Vote?

Each game day can last a maximum of 36 - 48 hours depending on what the host selects for that day.

The maximum day length period will be mentioned each day in the Announcements post for that Day’s Thread.

Game Days can end sooner if the player’s reach a majority vote and it stays unchanged for 90 minutes. For example: Let's imagine there are 16 players and 9 players vote Player A, 3 vote for Player B and 1 votes for Player C. When the 9th vote is case for Player A, that has made it a Majority Vote against that player. A 90 minute countdown would begin from the timestamp of that 9th vote. Player A is voted out if there was no change to that 9 vote majority total in the 90 minutes countdown. When I say change to the 9 vote total, I'm referring to the vote dipping below the Majority total such as from 9 to 8 in this example. If more votes are added to bring it from 9 to 10 or 11 then that doesn't affect the countdown as the vote has still stayed a majority with those additional votes.

The day would also end after the 90 minutes wait even if there was still hours to go in the maximum day period. In the case of 16 players, 9 votes is the majority. Even if other players hadn't voted yet, it doesn't matter since all the remaining votes combined could only equal 7 which is a minority vote. I will post a reminder of the number of votes needed to reach a majority each day in the Announcements post for that Game Day.

If the Majority Vote Changes After The Countdown Begins

Let's say that the 9th vote was cast for Player A but, an hour later, the 7th person to vote Player A decides to change their vote from Player A to Player B. However, 20 minutes after that change, another player logs on and votes for Player A restoring the 9 votes against Player A. In this example, Player A would not be eliminated after just 10 minutes from the new 9th vote. The majority vote was lost in the original 90 minute wait period. Even though the majority was restored within that first initial 90 minute wait period, a new 90 minute wait period starts from when the new 9th vote was cast and a Majority Vote had been formed anew.

Likewise, let’s say in the above scenario that the 7th player to vote Player A changes their vote an hour into the Majority Vote countdown to Player B. But then 15 minutes later decides to change their vote back to Player A. Player A would not be eliminated in 15 minutes with the restored majority. The Majority Vote had been broken and the countdown must start anew even though it had been restored to its original form by one of the first 9 voters in this example.

If a Majority Vote Is Not Achieved

If a majority vote isn't reached before 48 hours is up then whoever has the most votes at the end of the Game Day voting period is the one voted out. So, if the votes are 6 for Player A, 5 for Player B, and 3 for Player C, then Player A is voted out because of having the highest vote total even though 2 players didn't vote and could have put Player B in a higher vote total but did not do so before the voting time had ended.
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2022, 11:16:57 PM »
The "No Vote" Option

In this game, players can choose to make their vote to not eliminate anyone. Simply type No Vote in bold like you would as if you were selecting a player to vote out. Players can choose to achieve a majority with the No Vote option if they want to. In this case, no player would be eliminated from the vote that day. However, players with roles would still be able to use their abilities. In addition, if a majority vote for No Vote is not reached but No Vote has the highest number of votes at the end of the voting period then no player would be eliminated. In an odd twist, if the day ends in a tie between one player and a No Vote option then the No Vote will not count and there would not be a tiebreaker. The player who tied with the No Vote tally will be eliminated. If two or more players tie the No Vote total at the end of the day then there would be a tiebreaker.
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2022, 11:36:20 PM »
Voting Tiebreaker

If the vote ends in a tie at the end of the Day Vote period then the player with the role of Vote Master (aka Burrowing Snagret) gets control of the vote. This player can choose to break the tie or they can consider the day's vote null and void and cast a single vote for any player still in the game of their choosing and that will be the player voted out that day instead. This tie break vote can be sent at any point during the night action period. If you don't want the Vote Master to control the vote then don't allow a tie to happen. That said, the Vote Master can also decide that no one gets eliminated from the vote that day. It is entirely up to the player to decide what they would like to do if in that position but they do have some limitations. They can only choose to eliminate no one for the day once and can only dismiss the day vote and eliminate whichever player the choose twice. Otherwise, their choice has to be one of the players that were tied that day.

What Happens if The Bomber is Selected in a Tie Break?

Let’s say The Bomber (aka Careening Dirigibug) ends up in a tie vote that day. The Vote Master chooses to break the tie and ends up selecting the player that is The Bomber. All the players that voted for The Bomber would die along with The Bomber in big explosion except for the Vote Master. That player would still survive and not die along with everyone else. Likewise, if the Vote Master chooses to dismiss a Day's Vote that ended in a tie and just eliminate someone else of their choosing and the player they selected was The Bomber then they would not die with The Bomber despite being the only player to technically vote them out that day. The Vote Master is immune from The Bomber in any tie break scenario. (The Vote Master can still be eliminated by The Bomber if they voted for them during the Day Vote and The Bomber was the majority or highest vote total.)

If the Vote Master Role is Lost

If the Vote Master is eliminated from the game or has been recruited into the Pikmin Mafia and the Day Vote results in a tie then the tie break will be handled by the host. In this situation, ALL PLAYERS still in the game will be up for possible elimination along with the option that no one gets eliminated. It will be a random draw as to the result of who gets eliminated (or not) for that Day's Vote. In this situation, a player with no votes that day could be eliminated over someone who did have votes. Is that the end result you want to risk have happen to you?
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2022, 11:43:45 PM »
Resolving Orders

I see the game as divided by its Day and Night sections. If a player with an ability is voted out during the day portion then they should not be able to use their ability at night since they were unable to reach that portion by being eliminated in the day.

If two or more players have the ability to make a hit and eliminate a player of their choosing and they all select the same target then all get credit for the elimination and no one is told the target has already been taken out or selected by another player. As well, if players who have the ability to make a hit target each other then both or all hits would carry through and they would eliminate each other. One hit would not cancel the other hit from happening nor does it matter who sent in a hit first. Timestamps do not matter.

As another example, let's say that Player A sends in an order to hit/eliminate Player B while Player C sends in an order to hit/eliminate Player A. Player A would be eliminated but that doesn't stop their hit against Player B who would also be eliminated still.

Finally, let's say that the Doctor role has selected to protect Player A during the night phase. Player B sends in a hit to eliminate Player A that night and Player C sends in a hit to eliminate the Doctor that night. Even though the Doctor will be eliminated by Player C for when the next Day begins, the hit will not nullify the Doctor's protection which will still keep Player A safe from Player B's hit for that night.

Hopefully that gives you some understanding about how roles and abilities will likely be resolved by me in complicated situations. Of course, you are always free to contact me and ask to make sure if you ever want to make sure or don't know what may happen in a certain type of situation that could arise during the course of the game.
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2022, 12:18:32 AM »

Other Factions

The Bomber (aka Careening Dirigibug)

If this player is voted out then all the players that voted for The Bomber will die with them in a fiery explosion unless their role gives them some kind of protection. But there are some ways to nullify that and one of the ways is by Bomb Rocks. (See the Voting Tiebreaker section for another way the Bomber can be neutralized.)

Bomb rocks come from The Bomber. This player can toss a bomb rock onto another player. They will pm the host who with who they want to target with a bomb rock and the host will then inform that player of the situation. The Bomber will inform the host who they want to target before or during the Day Period of Day 1. After that, The Bomber must inform the host of who will get a bomb rock during the night action periods. The Host will keep The Bomber informed as to how may bomb rocks they may be able to assign for the next Day.

The Bomber can have up to three bomb rocks in play in a day. If one, two or three bomb rocks explode in a day then on the next day they can throw out whatever amount exploded back into play up to a maximum of three total. If a player is holding a bomb rock when it explodes then they will be eliminated from the game unless there is an ability in their role to counter that effect.

The Bomber will start off slow. They can only throw out one rock on Day 1, then a second or two rocks on Day 2 and then a third or three rocks from Day 3 onwards. The wording may seem a little wonky there but it depends on whether a bomb rock has exploded or been successfully removed from the game. For instance, let's say The Bomber puts a bomb rock on Player A on Day 1. On Day 2, Player A still has the bomb rock on them so The Bomber can only throw out one more bomb rock aka a second rock on Day 2 which he gives to Player B. Thus, the maximum of two bomb rocks in play for Day 2 has been reached. Now, in another scenario, The Bomber gives Player A a bomb rock on Day 1 reaching the maximum allowed of one rock in play for that day. In this situation, Player A manages to get rid of the rock that day. Now on Day 2, The Bomber can toss out two rocks onto players to reach the maximum of two allowed that day. Hopefully that makes sense.

The Bomber can win if they can successfully eliminate 8 players from the game by their bombs or by making it to the end and achieving a tie made up of their self and one other player or by eliminating / blowing up everyone else in the game.

I mentioned there is a way to nullify The Bomber's explosive blast if voted out. This occurs if The Bomber is hit by three of their own bomb rocks. Those rocks will blow up the air sacs that allow the Careening Dirigibug to fly. Now if this player is voted out, they will not blow up the other players with them as the "injury" will keep the blast radius to a small limited area. Those that voted out The Bomber when in this weakened state would survive as if it were any other vote out.

What Happens If You Get A Bomb Rock?

Bomb rocks take three days to explode. They can also be exchanged. If a player has a bomb rock they can choose to hold on to it or pass it on to another player. This transaction will happen at night unless it is the third day in which case the bomb will explode that night taking out the player who was stuck with the bomb rock on its third day of counting down. By passing bomb rocks around, you may be able to damage The Bomber via their own weapon.

There is another way to get rid of a bomb rock. If a player with a bomb rock votes for another player and the person they target is the player that gets eliminated that day then their bomb rock goes with that eliminated player out of the game and they are safe. If the player they voted for is not the player that gets eliminated that day then they are still stuck with the bomb rock. A player is told they have a bomb rock at the start of the day except for Day 1 which may come later on during that day. The player is not told, however, how many days until the bomb rock explodes. If you get one on Day 1 then you’ll be able to figure it out but if it is Day 2, well, now it is a guess of whether that is the rock from Day 1 or if it is a new one in play. And if you get one on Day 3, look out! Who knows how long you’ve got? Probably just the host.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:46:55 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2022, 05:52:16 PM »
The Killer (aka Smoky Progg)

Every night, this player can make a hit on any player they choose to eliminate them from the game. Damage effects are irrelevant to The Killer. The only thing that can prevent their hit is a Doctor's Protection. If The Killer puts a hit on The Bomber then both will blow up in a fiery elimination. The Killer needs to eliminate everyone else in the game or at least achieve a tie with themselves and one other player that is either Townie or Mafia aligned.

The Killer can save and stack their hit ability. They would pm the host with the order to Save Hit and it would carry over to the next Day and Night Cycle. The Killer can send in the order at any time during the Day and Night cycle.

If an order has been submitted, the player can choose to cancel the order or select a different target up to an hour after first sending in their order. After an hour has passed then the order is locked in.

There is the possibility of a second Killer appearing in this game. If that happens, both Killers will be working against each other. They will not partner up or know each other's identities. They will instead be trying to eliminate the other to win.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:26:09 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2022, 06:23:51 PM »
Townie Roles

Chief Detective (aka Emperor Bulblax)

Can investigate any player they choose to learn that player’s role. The only role that is hidden to the Detective is the Olimar role.

If a player they investigated is later turned into a member of the Pikmin Mafia then they will be informed of that change and it will not count against their daily investigation.

Can submit their choice of investigation at any time during the day or night period.

Can change their choice of investigation up to an hour after submitting it. But once an hour has gone by, the choice is locked in and I will send that info to them. Even if the host is absent, if the time stamp for the original investigation order shows an hour or more has passed when compared to the time stamp of the new submission then the original choice is locked in.

Can stack their investigations by sending in the order to Save Investigation.

Can change their mind from saving an investigation to using it that day at any time even if an hour has passed when they sent in the Save Investigation order.

If the detective does not investigate a player during the same day and night cycle and does not send in the order to save the investigation for another day then the investigation opportunity is lost. It does not carry over automatically.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:26:45 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2022, 06:34:00 PM »
Rookie Cop (aka Giant Breadbug)

If the Townie Detective is killed or recruited into the Mafia then the Rookie Cop is activated and takes their place.

Unlike the Townie Detective, the Rookie Cop cannot save or stack their investigation ability. They will not be notified if a person they investigated later is recruited to the Mafia.

This role is a bit unusual in how the investigation power works. The player can submit an investigation each day but the result they get will be the same result for whomever the Townie Detective chooses to investigate.

To illustrate, on Day 1, the Townie Detective decides to investigate Vudu and the Rookie Cop chooses to investigate UncleBob. The host will send the Townie Detective the result of their investigation for Vudu. However, when the host sends the Rookie Cop the results of their investigation for UncleBob, it will actually be Vudu’s role that is given as the result and not UncleBob’s role. As such, the investigation info may be faulty.

On the other hand, let’s say the Townie Detective chooses to save their investigation and doesn’t submit an order for a Day and Night cycle while the Rookie Cop does submit an investigation. In that case, the result would be accurate because the boys at the lab didn’t get confused by two investigations at the same time.

The reason for this odd investigation quirk is in case the Detective gets recruited into the Mafia. It will make it harder for players to realize this has happened especially if the Detective and Rookie Cop end up working together during the course of the game.

Finally, let's say the Townie Detective has stacked two or more investigations and one day they decide to use two investigations. In that case, the first name they give the host to investigate will be the role that is used when giving the Rookie Cop the result of their investigation. The Rookie Cop's investigation will not come back as two roles for one player.

The Rookie Cop can submit their investigation at any time during a Day and Night Cycle. Since the ability cannot be stacked or saved, the player must either use it or lose it. If it is not used then the opportunity is lost for that Day and Night Cycle. Because the role depends on the Detective’s choice of investigation, the player will not get the result of their investigation until the start of the next day.

Will the Rookie Cop be able to overcome any errors he makes as he learns the rope? Will the rookie be able to find an experienced mentor like the Townie Detective as their case work causes them meet each other and compare notes? Could their partnership be a success or might the rookie’s naivety lead to his doom if he is not careful?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 08:36:50 AM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2022, 06:51:30 PM »
Townie Doctor (aka Scornet Maestro)

The Doctor can protect any player they want from the night actions. This means the player cannot be killed (unless the player making the hit has an ability to nullify the protection) nor can the player be recruited or investigated. If a bomb rock is given to the player protected then it will bounce back to the player that gave it.

They cannot protect or save anyone from the Day Vote.

The Doctor can choose to protect themselves up to two times during the game.

The Doctor can submit their choice of protection at any time during the day or night period but they can change or cancel their choice of protection up to an hour after submitting it. Once an hour has gone by, the choice is locked in. Even if the host is absent, if the time stamp for the original protection order shows an hour or more has passed when compared to the time stamp of the new submission then the original choice is locked in.

The Doctor can stack protections. In this game, the protection ability can be carried over to another night period by sending in the order to Save Protection. That said, they can still change their mind about saving a protection and send in an order to use at any time of the Day and Night cycle even if an hour has passed when they sent in the Save Investigation order.

If the doctor does not protect a player during the same day and night cycle and does not send in the order to save the protection for another day then the protection opportunity is lost. It does not carry over automatically.

If the doctor saves the protection for one night so that they have two protections the next night then they can protect two players that night. They cannot put two protections on one player on the idea they can counter an ability that can nullify their protection with a second protection. That ability to negate the Doctor’s protection will still work through all protections no matter how many there are on an individual so you might as well stick with one protection per player.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 09:58:19 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2022, 06:54:49 PM »
Vote Master (aka Burrowing Snagret)

The Vote Master can change someone else's vote to whatever they'd like in the day even if the player whose vote they're changing hasn't voted yet or at all that day. The player will do this by sending the host a private message detailing whose vote they want to change and what their vote will now be.

The player is free to change their mind on their selection up until the time the vote ends for the day. Whatever their last choice is when the voting deadline arrives and the Day Thread is locked will be the order that is applied to the vote.

This player can also save up and stack this ability. The player would submit a pm to me for to Save Vote Change as their action for a Day cycle allowing them to use two the next day. Theoretically, a player could stack up this ability for days and could unleash 6 vote changes on Day 6 if they wanted. If the player does not use their vote change during the day and night cycle and does not send in the order to save the ability for another day then the protection opportunity is lost. It does not carry over automatically.

The Vote Master is also responsible for resolving a tie situation in the game if they are still alive and haven’t been recruited into the Mafia. You can read about how their role is involved by checking out the “Voting Tiebreaker” section of the rules posted earlier in this thread. I will just make a note here where the player who likely gets this role should hopefully notice. If there is a tie and the Vote Master does not send in any order to resolve it or is absent then it is the Vote Master that will be eliminated having failed to do their job.

How The Vote Master Could Secretly Effect A Majority Vote

To illustrate, let’s say there are eight players left in the game. Four players vote for Player A and four players vote for Player B establishing a tie. The Vote Master could send in an order to change the vote of one of the player’s voting for Player A to now have them vote for Player B thus creating a 5 – 3 vote and a Majority Vote. While the players may be posting and talking to each other in the thread about what to do with the tie vote, the day could suddenly end 90 minutes after the Vote Master created the Majority Vote with the host locking the thread and posting that final tally. There would be no warning from the host beforehand that the Majority Vote countdown had begun.

On the other hand, let’s say in that scenario of 8 players left that 5 voted for Player A and 3 voted for Player B. When the fifth vote happens, the host would announce the countdown had begun for the Majority Vote to take effect. The Vote Master could then change the vote of a player voting for Player A to now vote Player B and create a tie. The host would not announce the Majority Vote was lost. Rather, when the countdown to the Majority Vote ended and the day was not locked then that is how players would have to figure out that the Vote Master has affected and nullified that current Majority Vote.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:28:01 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2022, 08:11:13 PM »
Vigilante (aka Baldy Long Legs)

The Vigilante can an eliminate any one player they want each Game Night period but there’s a catch. The player they eliminate must be a Mafia member.

If the Vigilante eliminates a player on the Townie side then the Vigilante will be considered an enemy of the townies and become the Killer role.

If the Vigilante becomes a Killer then they can no longer claim victory with the Townies and must now eliminate all other players to achieve a win (or reach a scenario in which there are two players left and one is a Townie and the other is the Killer). The Townies and Mafia also now need to eliminate the Killer in order for them to claim victory.

The Vigilante hit ability cannot be stacked or saved. There is only one opportunity to use it per Night period. If it is not used then the opportunity is lost for that Day and Night Cycle.

However, if this player has become the Killer then they can save and stack their hit ability. They would pm the host with the order to Save Hit and it would carry over to the next Day and Night Cycle.

The Vigilante/Killer can send in the order at any time during the Day and Night cycle.

If an order has been submitted, the player can choose to cancel the order or select a different target up to an hour after first sending in their order. After an hour has passed then the order is locked in.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:28:33 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2022, 10:27:35 PM »
Regular Townies (aka Creatures)

This will be the role for the majority of players when the game first begins. Regular townies have no special role abilities aside from their power to cast a vote during each Day Vote. Townies are allied to communicate with each other either publicly in the Day Vote thread or privately through private messages on the forum or through Discord or wherever else private communication may be found.

Regular townies will also have Pellets as well as Damage and Bonus Effects randomly assigned to them at the start of the game. Players will be informed of what their damage or bonus effect is if they have one assigned to them but not their pellet value. See the "Mafia Order: Recruit" section for more info on Pellets. See the "Mafia Order: Hit" section for more info on Damage and Bonus Effects.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:29:03 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2022, 10:53:20 PM »
Mafia Roles

The Godfather (aka Captain Olimar)

This player is the leader of the Mafia when the game begins. If eliminated, the Godfather will message the host which member of the Mafia would become the player in charge. As the Godfather, this player will appear as a regular townie if investigated. His main role in leading is that every night, he has to select one of these choices of what action the Mafia will take that: Hit, Recruit, or Recon. These actions cannot be stacked. If the Godfather does not send in an action then the Mafia loses that opportunity and cannot make it up the next night. If the Captain Olimar role is eliminated and one of the Pikmin becomes the new Godfather in charge, that player will not inherit the ability to have their role come up as a townie if investigated. Only the Captain Olimar player will have that bonus. The Captain Olimar role also has a health bar for the game. The reason for that is explained in the next section "Mafia Orders: Hit".

What happens if the Godfather (or Pikmin member in charge) of the Mafia is absent?

If the player in control of the Mafia Orders does not show up for the whole day and night cycle to send in an order then the Mafia is unable to perform any action. If other players and roles in this game are absent then they don't get someone else fill in to make those moves and can hurt the side they are on. It will be up to the Mafia to resolve this situation by either playing without the player or trying to eliminate them and get someone else in charge.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:40:29 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2022, 11:21:17 PM »
Pikmin (aka Mafia Goons)

In this game, there is a possibility of the Mafia being made up of various types of Pikmin with different strengths and weaknesses. Here is a quick summary of what types could be encountered during the game.

Red Pikmin

Can successfully hit a player with fire damage effects and survive. Will not survive a hit against a player with electric, water or poison damage effects. A hit against a player protected by the Doctor will fail but the pikmin will be unharmed by that fail. If sent on Recon, this player can investigate another player to see what damage effect they have.

Yellow Pikmin

Can successfully hit a player with electric damage effects and survive. Will not survive a hit against a player with fire, water or poison damage effects. A hit against a player protected by the Doctor will fail but the pikmin player will be unharmed by that fail. If sent on Recon, this player will learn the status of all Bomb Rocks currently in play.

Blue Pikmin

Can successfully hit a player with water damage effects and survive. Will not survive a hit against a player with fire, electric or poison damage effects. A hit against a player protected by the Doctor will fail but the Pikmin player will be unharmed by that fail. If sent on Recon, this player can investigate another player to see what pellet value they have.

Purple Pikmin

Can successfully hit a player and survive any damage effect. Cannot make hits two nights in a row due to its slow speed. A hit against a player protected by the Doctor will fail but the Pikmin player will be unharmed by that fail. However, this player would still have to wait a night before making another hit attempt. If sent on Recon, this player will be able to add a pellet valued at 3 points into the Master Onion that night.

White Pikmin

Can successfully hit a player with poison damage effects and survive. Will not survive a hit against a player with fire, electric or water damage effects. A hit against a player protected by the Doctor will fail but the Pikmin player will be unharmed by that fail. If sent on Recon, this player will "locate a Candypop Bud" that allows all the Pikmin currently in the mafia to change into whichever Pikmin type/color they want. For more details, see the "Mafia Orders: Recon" section.

Rock Pikmin

Can successfully hit a player that is being protected by the doctor. This player is susceptible to all damage effects but can survive one hit against a player with a damage effect. However, they would be eliminated on a second hit against a player with any damage effect. Can survive voting out the Bomber. If sent on Recon, this player can ask the Host any question they want about the game and get an honest Yes or No answer to the question.

Winged Pikmin

Can survive any amount of bomb rocks given it and any night hit. Can only be eliminated by the Day Vote or by voting out the Bomber. This player is susceptible to all damage effects and cannot survive any hit against a player with a damage effect. A hit against a player protected by the Doctor will fail but the Pikmin player will be unharmed by that fail. If sent on Recon, this player can investigate any player they choose to see what role that player has.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:41:15 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Pikmin Four...m A Mafia. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2022, 11:54:28 PM »
Mafia Orders: Hit

If the player in charge of the Mafia selects the Hit option for their night action then they will pm the host with the name of the player they wish to target as well as which mafia member will carry out the hit. This is important since some non-Mafia role players will have Damage Effects associated with them which can harm the mafia.

The Damage Effects in this game are: Fire, Electric, Water, and Poison. How do these affect a hit?

Let's say that the mafia has a member that is a Red Pikmin and Olimar selects that member to make a hit on Player Z for that night. If Player Z has water damage effects attached to them then the Red Pikmin player will die and the targeted player will survive. However, if the Mafia had a Blue Pikmin member and Olimar sent that player to make the hit on Player Z then the Blue Pikmin member would not be harmed by the water damage effect associated with Player Z and the hit would be carried out with Player Z being eliminated and the Blue Pikmin member still alive.

Olimar can also select himself to make the hit and can successfully survive damage effects but only up to two times thanks to his health meter. The Olimar player starts the game with a health meter of 3 out of 3. Taking one amount of damage will drop the meter to 2/3 and a second hit will drop the meter to 1/3. On the third amount of damage taken, Olimar will die along with the target (if the target has no protection) as his meter will hit 0/3. Bomb Rocks can also contribute to damage taken by Olimar.

There are some Bonus Effects from a successful hit which are Pellets and Nectar.

If the mafia successfully targets a player for elimination then they gain a Pellet from that hit as every player that isn’t a Mafia member has a pellet value assigned to them varying from 1 – 5. The pellet gained from a hit is automatically put in the Master Onion for the Mafia. Collecting pellets is needed for the Recruit order available to the Mafia. As for nectar, one non-Mafia aligned player will randomly be assigned that Bonus at the start of the game. If the Mafia eliminates that player then on the next night, each member of the mafia can perform one of their Recon actions while the Godfather can still choose whether to make a Hit, Recon or Recruit order while the other members perform their Recon action.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 08:20:23 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Hey Pikmin, Four...m A Mafia! Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2022, 10:13:43 PM »
Mafia Orders: Recruit

As the mafia collects pellets from successful hits, the pellet totals are collected in the Master Onion. Through the Master Onion, new Pikmin can be gained but multiples of 5 are needed to allow the Recruit option.

For instance, if the mafia gained 3 points one night from a hit and gained 4 points the next night from a hit then on the third night they could choose Recruit and use up 5 of those 7 points collected to take a player from the game and turn them into a new mafia member aka a pikmin. The Master Onion would still have 2 points left  in this scenario that the mafia could continue to add on to. Thus, if on the next night the mafia made a hit that gained them a pellet of 3 or more points then Olimar (or the mafia member in charge) could select the Recruit order the following night because the point total would be at 5 points or more.

That said, the Mafia can only have a max of five members in play at any point of the game. Even if the Master Onion has 5 or more points collected in it, if the Mafia consists of five members all alive after a Day Vote has ended then they cannot sprout (aka recruit) another member until they lose one.

The Mafia will start off with just Olimar and two other Pikmin. Those two Pikmin will either be Red, Yellow or Blue. The Godfather will select which of those two colors they want to have the Pikmin Mafia start off with. If the mafia is able to survive without losing any members and they get the ability to recruit another member then that member will be the remaining color that wasn't originally chosen from the Red, Yellow and Blue options.

If they Mafia can recruit a fifth member then the player in charge of the Mafia can select if that member will be a Purple Pikmin, White Pikmin, Rock Pikmin, or Winged Pikmin. Or they could add another Red, Yellow or Blue Pikmin to the group.

Be aware! The Mafia must always have a core of one Red Pikmin, one Yellow Pikmin, and one Blue Pikmin before it can grow one of the other more different / rare breeds of Pikmin. Let's say that the Mafia reaches five members made up of Olimar with one Red, one Yellow, one Blue and One Purple Pikmin. The Red Pikmin player gets eliminated but the Mafia has enough points in the Master Onion to recruit a new Pikmin member. If they recruit a new member in, that member will automatically be given the Red Pikmin designation. The mafia cannot select a Purple, White, Rock or Winged designation for that recruit because the core three colors must be present before being able to select one of those more rare options.

Finally, it should be noted that at the start of the game, two players that are not aligned with the Mafia will be randomly selected as Non-Recruitable. If the Mafia targets one of these players with the Recruit option then they will lose the 5 pellet points used towards the recruitment attempt. However, no mafia member will be eliminated from the failed attempt and the target will also continue to stay in the game although they will be unaware that they had been unsuccessfully targeted for recruitment.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 10:42:03 PM by The President »
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Re: Mafia LXXXVIII: Hey Pikmin, Four...m A Mafia! Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2022, 10:24:58 PM »
Mafia Orders: Recon

Each type of Pikmin has an ability that can be used by the Pikmin Mafia to further aid them in the game. Most of these abilities are further strengthened by the amount of Pikmin that the Mafia consists of. First, let's list the Pikmin and their ability which I'll mention if it can be boosted or not.

Red Pikmin: Allows the player to see what Damage Effect another player has. This ability can be boosted.

Yellow Pikmin: Allows the player to see where all the Bomb Rocks currently are and what their countdown value is. This ability cannot be boosted.

Blue Pikmin: Allows the player to see what Pellet value another player has. This ability can be boosted.

Purple Pikmin: This Pikmin will be able to add a Pellet valued at 3 points into the Master Onion that night. This ability can be boosted.

White Pikmin: This Pikmin will collect a Candypop Bud that allows all the Pikmin currently in the mafia to change into whichever Pikmin type they want. This ability cannot be boosted.

Rock Pikmin: Allows the player to ask the Host any question they want about the game and get an honest answer to the question. But the host can only answer Yes or No to the question. This ability can be boosted.

Winged Pikmin: Allows the player to see what role another player has. This ability can be boosted.

How is a Pikmin Recon Ability boosted?

What do I mean by being boosted? That depends on the amount of Pikmin in the mafia when a Recon order is made. Let's imagine the Mafia consists of Olimar and two Pikmin. Olimar selects a Recon order and sends out the member who is a Red Pikmin. Because there are two Pikmin in the mafia then the Red Pikmin player can investigate two players to see what damage effect they have. If the Mafia had five members and it was made of Olimar and four other Pikmin then the Red Pikmin player could send in four investigations on what damage effects a player has. That's how boosting works.

Two Pikmin have abilities that cannot be boosted which are Yellow and White. Since Yellow will automatically be told who has bomb rocks and what their status is this player doesn't have to send in any investigation targets so there's really nothing to boost here.

What does the Candypop Bud ability for the White Pikmin work?

As for the White Pikmin and its ability to find Candypop Buds for that night, it presents the one opportunity for the Mafia to break the restriction of needing the core three colors of Blue, Yellow, and Red required before getting a more rare type. For instance, let's say that the Pikmin Mafia consists of Olimar, one red, one blue and one white Pikmin because the Yellow player was voted out that day. That night, Olimar could send the White Pikmin on Recon and that player "finds" (is automatically given) the Candypop Bud. The red, blue and white Pikmin could now change the type of Pikmin they are by sending in the requested change to the Host. So, Red could become a Purple Pikmin, Blue could become a Rock Pikmin and White could become a Winged Pikmin. It is up to the Mafia whether they'd want to change all their colors or if it would be limited to one or two players. They only have that option on the night the White Pikmin locates a Candypop Bud. By morning the next day it will have shriveled up and the White Pikmin would have to find a new one if the Mafia wants to change colors that way again.

Just to further follow-up on this scenario, let's say the mafia did switch to two winged Pikmin and a Rock Pikmin. If they recruit a new member, that member has to be a red, yellow or blue Pikmin. The Mafia has to start regathering that core group of colors of red, yellow and blue as the gain/replace members before they can select a rare Pikmin type again. Since there is no longer a White Pikmin in the group to gather another Candypop Bud and initiate a faster species change, it resets back to that rule of what colors the Mafia must be made of.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 08:46:41 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.