Author Topic: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread  (Read 259432 times)

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Offline nickmitch

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #250 on: April 24, 2020, 10:46:43 PM »
Incidentally, since I mentioned her earlier in this thread, just FYI my "Aunt" Nancy has recovered from the virus, despite her poor health of late making her an extremely at-risk patient. I just spoke with her the other day. Unfortunately, in the midst of all this she also lost her nursing job with the medical research company she worked for, so...1 step forward, 2 steps back.
I am happy she recovered but it is a pain that she lost her job.  Is she able to get unemployment?

Probably? I'm not familiar with the unemployment laws in Utah.

Glad to hear she's recovered.  I hope she can get things worked out with unemployment or otherwise land on her feet.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #251 on: April 28, 2020, 03:09:22 PM »
I've realized that if my parents, my brothers and I all lived in the same house that we would have no real impatience regarding social distancing.  I can go months without seeing friends in person but splitting our family into two groups has been rough.  My family members are increasingly becoming cynical about the whole thing and are expressing more and more interest in getting together.  I can freely admit that that temptation is pressing on me too.  The invisible nature of this makes it hard.  I don't know anyone, or know anyone that knows anyone, that has caught the virus.  Canada (and the US) being a very large country geographically also plays into it.  With a large country you can have one area that is heavily infected and other areas where it appears like this is all an overreaction.  What you really need is restriction of travel so that heavily infected areas are locked down but areas with little infection are not.  But I don't know how you could have the manpower for the amount of checkpoints on the roads that you would need to enforce something like that and in America at least it wouldn't be constitutional.  It's a good idea in theory that isn't feasible.

I would like anti-body testing to increase.  The lingering cough I had for seemingly two months has gone away.  My Dad also had a similar cough and I may have caught what I had from him.  So naturally we're wondering if we had Covid 19.  If we did then my Mom and brothers have been exposed to an infected person this entire time, which would likely mean they caught it too but were asymptomatic.  If that were the case I wouldn't run off to a packed movie theatre but it would be nice for the two households to interact again.

Of course I would like more positive messaging to encourage people to keep this up.  Today the BC government said "We are getting close to the point where we can open up" which is great.  Not "we're reopening this weekend no matter what" and not "you will remain in your homes for two years and life is NEVER going to be the same".  Take the situation seriously.  Don't trivialize it, don't fear-monger.

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #252 on: April 28, 2020, 04:16:58 PM »
I agree. It helps to have constant communication with your local leaders, and for them to give updates and an idea of the progress we're making. That's why it's helpful to talk about the idea of opening up and what we'd be measuring and what our plans are, even though we're not opening up anytime soon. It help us mentally picture the light at the end of the tunnel.

And I don't understand where all the testing is, this to me is such a glaring failure. The Wuhan area has already gone through the entire first wave, and we're still unable to get any testing where I am unless we're a frontline workers or a doctor says we're symptomatic.

If we had ridiculous testing EVERYWHERE for anyone who wanted it, then it'd be much easier to slowly start opening up and start recovering because we'd have confidence that we'd catch people quick who came down with it.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #253 on: May 01, 2020, 03:36:21 PM »
Yesterday my brother had to drop something off at our parents.  While he has been losing his patience with social distancing he said that upon seeing our parents in their yard, a safe distance away from him, he felt much more uncomfortable about us all getting back to visiting each other.  He interacts with other people in public for his job.  When presented with the opportunity to just interact with Mom and Dad like normal he couldn't help but think "what if someone I had contact with has it and I'm infected but don't have symptoms yet?  I couldn't live with myself if I got my parents sick."  I hope other people have that moment before rushing into things.  On the bright side my other brother, while still working from home, is back to doing full-time hours.

I've noticed a disproportionate amount of opinions for reopening being based on... haircuts.  Let's examine situations where people would be begging to reopen:

I'm unemployed.
My business is on the verge of collapse.
My non-essential surgery has been delayed indefinitely and I have chronic pain.
I live alone and am suffering depression from isolation.
I want to go to a baseball game.
I need a haircut.

Don't those last two come across as very minor priorities?  Like I can see a person thinking that.  I've certainly thought about how disappointing it is that fun stuff I had planned has been cancelled but I'm not so immature and selfish to actually express that disappointment as an argument for reopening.  If you're going to argue for reopening do it for SERIOUS stuff, not "eh, this isn't fun".  You're not eight years old.

Offline Adrock

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #254 on: May 02, 2020, 02:40:04 PM »
I never understood the haircut thing. Aren’t all of the hair salons and barbers closed? People can protest all they want, but it’s still up to the individual owners to reopen if they feel safe. And personally, I go to the same person every month (my hair grows fast). Shout out to Stephanie, the best hair dresser. If she isn’t working, I’m just not getting a haircut (besides just not feeling comfortable right now anyway). I get anxiety every time I have to find a new hairdresser who doesn’t know my preferences.

Semi-related: I did have a particularly weak moment in which I considered using my facial hair trimmer to try to give myself a fade. It would not have turned out well. A cooler head prevailed.

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #255 on: May 02, 2020, 04:38:25 PM »
Yeah a good percentage of spa/ salon/ barbers are closed because it is nearly impossible to do that type of work without maintaining a safe distance away.     I have been without hair removal for 2 months now and I just had to reschedule my appointment to after AZ opens up again which is stated to be after May 15th.  It is frustrating but I get why it needs to be done this way.   

But yeah Ian I agree those top 4 reasons you listed are good reasons to want things to open up but those latter two not so much.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #256 on: May 02, 2020, 05:19:57 PM »
Good time to practice Self Care

But I've been procrastinating on pulling it my clippers for more than facial hair trims. I can still shape the fro decently enough to not really care about it yet.
But i also have years worth of experience in trimming my own hair, just not even close to the expertise of an actual barber.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #257 on: May 02, 2020, 11:05:22 PM »
I've been regularly doing my own hair for a few years now.  I kinda got tired of trying to find someone to consistently retwist my locs after my stylist moved.  I always could do them, I just preferred not to back then.  Now, it kinda eats up most of a Saturday for me, depending on how much styling I'm doing, but it's cheaper and they look nice.  That's one area I'm pretty glad I don't have to worry too much about.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #258 on: May 04, 2020, 11:34:08 AM »
Semi-related: I did have a particularly weak moment in which I considered using my facial hair trimmer to try to give myself a fade. It would not have turned out well. A cooler head prevailed.

My co-worker did that.  He tried to get his wife to cut his hair but she wasn't going to take the blame for a bad haircut.  He didn't look terrible in that a stranger wouldn't think he looked weird but you certainly wouldn't tip your barber for it.  The funny thing is that until only a few years ago he had pretty shaggy hair, far longer than what his hair would have grown out to during the lockdown.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #259 on: May 04, 2020, 11:53:30 AM »
I just cut mine the other day.

Hair was so thick, and since my clippers had been tucked in a drawer for the past 3-4 years w/o much use, that they grinded to a halt after about going over about 1/3 of my head.

I had to keep clearing it out, and oiling the blades every few seconds just to get through the haircut.
Usually I would be able to glide through and it would roll the cut hair up like a carpet and keep going. The other day it was like trying to use a weak lawnmower on an overgrown yard. It was a pain to get through. I honestly think the blades need to be sharpened or something, but somehow the hair was just being pulled and/or sliding between the blades and clogging up the ability for the blades to slide back and forth.

turned out well enough in the end.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #260 on: May 04, 2020, 10:41:03 PM »
Sounds like you might need those blades replaced.  Glad you were able to get through it.

I've been growing my beard out for shits and giggles.  Most days, it looks like the reason why I don't grow it out, but yesterday it was kinda nice.  Still a bit patchy for my liking though.
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Offline that Baby guy

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #261 on: May 21, 2020, 10:03:35 AM »
Florida is back in the news again. Really, it looks like reporters and media outlets are trying to create controversy about very little.

Florida is doing a phased reopening, with restaurants in most locations allowed 50 percent capacity, and most other businesses opening up with similar restrictions.

Florida has a population comparable to New York, it has several beaches, and is home to Disney World and other theme parks. Florida's government was heavily criticized for not mandating via executive order the closure of beaches for a few weeks into the known outbreak.

Florida was expected to be a hotspot that emerged after New York. Instead, Florida has 47,471 total cases and only 2,096 COVID-19 related deaths as of yesterday. The number looks large, but it's a fraction of other places considered hotspots. Florida has continued testing, and has had less than ten percent, and often less than that, of those who are tested return positive. It is believed the outbreaks in Broward and Dade counties primarily stem from people fleeing New York for warmer climates. Since Florida's governor was criticized for having a negligent and/or slow response to close things down, like beaches, it has since been determined sunlight can help provide defense against COVID-19, and yesterday, the CDC began reporting that it isn't likely the virus spreads much via contaminated surfaces, which, from my personal knowledge suggests social distancing and masks are probably the best way to prevent getting sick.

Anyway, in the last few days, an employee for the state was fired and the press created an uproar over the incident. The employee was one that worked in GIS (Geographic Information Services), which is a fancy way of saying she worked on maps and displaying data with/on maps. Where I work, we have a GIS department, and their primary responsibility is assigning 9-1-1 street addresses and accurately pinpointing the locations of various buildings, apartments, and the like on maps used by the local government and first responders. The state's GIS map for COVID-19 allows anyone to visit and see information on those who have been infected at some point by COVID-19. It's done using the same GIS system, Arc GIS, as the worldwide John Hopkins tracking map, however, it has many more methods to track and compare data, even to the point that you can view infection counts by zip code, and so much more.

This particular employee, from reports I've read, is not the only one who worked on the map. She allegedly was fired because she refused to manipulate data to make Florida look better. If I'm reading the latest response from Florida correctly, she was actually fired because she refused to listen to the actual scientists and epidemiologists who said including the data of people who were potentially infected with the virus early on, but were never tested or actually diagnosed with it would be inaccurate, and requested she not add them into the data pool being considered. I don't know if they were previously included. I've seen reports saying the employee worked 16 hour days several times and was responsible for half a million lines of code for the Florida COVID-19 GIS map. Without working directly on GIS, myself, I suspect that the code is generated based on parameters and formulae entered into a GUI, rather than by rote coding. I know our GIS department has done some work involving similar systems to Arc GIS, and the head of that department definitely does not know anything about coding. Anyway, if I had to guess, I'd say the 16 hour days with no breaks caught up to her, and she probably was going crazy from the stress. I'm disappointed to see her leadership didn't force her to take time off, though the woman did state she won't be paid for some of her time, suggesting she elected to work through the time off she was supposed to have. I can say Florida's GIS map has been functional for well over a month, so the extended hours she had been working don't make much sense to me.

From the respect of data manipulation, the GIS map couldn't be used to manipulate the numbers directly, but instead, it could be used to spotlight some numbers and obscure others. Florida has released PDF reports automatically generated daily with whole accounting for every new person identified with a positive test. I'm confident this is the case. I had COVID-19, myself, little over a month ago, and was able to go into the PDF and definitely identify myself in this PDF. No names are included, but age, county, and dates of the (first?) positive test are. I don't believe subsequent positive tests for an already diagnosed person are included, as there's no indication someone has been tested more than once.

Anyway, long story short, I stand by my earlier claims that Florida did well all things considered. It's been interesting to watch, but at the same time, I've been frustrated because so much of what I've seen almost universally with the news has been based on fear and irrationality.

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #262 on: May 21, 2020, 10:23:54 AM »
I recall reading that story about her being fired, truthfully my biases had me mentally taking her side, but I'm trying to work on not coming to conclusions with incomplete information, especially as the news seems to be flying at the speed of light.

I will say too that there's been aritcles with data showing that the PEOPLE of the US broadly started social distancing before the state orders came into place, so I'd be more inclined to credit the people of Florida moreso than the state & local government.  Again, my biases might be partially at play with that conclusion.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #263 on: May 21, 2020, 11:58:18 AM »
Tracking the average daily death toll for Canada in weekly increments, the last week was the first time it went down, going from 170 to 130.  So far this week it is even lower but coming off a long weekend I expect there to be late reported stats as yesterday's number was noticeably higher than Monday and Tuesday.

British Columbia has entered Phase 2 of our restart plan.  They have a nice web site outlining it:

Oddly enough the Province slowly re-opening has not been met with much backlash.  Gee, it's almost as if this didn't occur in an election year for our country and no parties stand to benefit from steering the narrative in one direction or the other.  I've been quite happy with how the Provincial government has handled the situation.  The lockdown was never that draconian to begin with and it felt more like we were encouraged to social distance more than forced to.  Treating the citizens like adults seems to have worked.  There were rules in place but there wasn't the horror stories of people getting large fines for taking their dog outside to pee.  However today they reported 21 new cases after having single digit amounts for a while.  But phase 2 only started on Tuesday so it is way too early for that idea to have backfired and have to be scaled back.

Following the phase 2 rules (small groups, keep distance, no hugging, stay home if feeling ill) I've been able to visit my parents again which was great, though a little weird with us sitting on opposite sides of the living room.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 12:00:22 PM by Ian Sane »

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #264 on: May 21, 2020, 12:20:45 PM »
I recall reading that story about her being fired, truthfully my biases had me mentally taking her side, but I'm trying to work on not coming to conclusions with incomplete information, especially as the news seems to be flying at the speed of light.

I will say too that there's been aritcles with data showing that the PEOPLE of the US broadly started social distancing before the state orders came into place, so I'd be more inclined to credit the people of Florida moreso than the state & local government.  Again, my biases might be partially at play with that conclusion.

I agree with you, that people reacted well. I've just seen a lot of criticism lobbied my state's way, and a lot of praise leveled at a place like New York, where it turns out the government there aided the spread to at-risk populations by allowing COVID-19 patients in nursing homes and ALFs.

In regard to this one employee, I spoke some with our GIS department, and it agreed with my synopsis, that primarily, the company that made the GIS software is the one coding, and local GIS puts in data and formulae in order to output an api. There may be a half million lines of code, but it isn't as if she wrote or constructed the code.

I touted in this thread a month ago about Florida's transparency with the data. The GIS map was a great tool for showcasing the numbers, but the numbers weren't produced by the map, they were plugged in. If the state wanted to cover anything up or fudge any numbers, they'd have to heavily modify the reports on the Florida Department of Health COVID-19 site, and not go after someone responsible for GIS. A lot of of her story doesn't line up well with my experiences. I won't claim to know everything, but I will say I think at least some of what she's claiming is likely a product of overwork and overstress, which her claims admit she has done. I'm more interested in if she chose to overwork herself or if the state of Florida put her in a position where she had to work those extended hours for two months. I think we need to give a critical look at the fact she had opportunity to go 16 hours a day for 60 days.

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #265 on: May 21, 2020, 02:43:12 PM »
Florida is regularly the butt of jokes so I can see how people at large will make sweeping generalizations.
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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #267 on: May 28, 2020, 03:44:15 PM »
My job is planning an optional limited return to work in July, but they won't force anyone to return through the Summer for sure. I personally don't intend to go back until 2021 if I can help it. A lot of other local companies are extending until the Fall/Winter as-is so its not that far fetched to hope for myself.
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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #268 on: May 28, 2020, 04:02:43 PM »
What kind of work do you do? I’m mainly curious why they’re planning a limited return to work so soon.

I’m in IT so it’s all basic office stuff. The operations side is a call center. The owners were pretty quick to have everyone from IT to the call center work from home so I don’t expect they’re in any rush to bring everyone back. In fact, I feel like since most of this work doesn’t require working in an office, they may stop leasing two satellite offices they were renting because we ran out of room in the two main offices.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2020, 05:40:40 PM by Adrock »

Offline Stratos

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #269 on: May 29, 2020, 12:39:31 PM »
Software engineering for a telecom company. Absolutely no need to go in to do my job other than to use my sweet monitor setup.

Its a national company, so the communications are covering everyone in a more generic way. The guidance from lower level leadership in my area is that no one has to go back anytime soon and managers are expected to work with all employees to continue remote work as long as needed.

I imagine its a perception thing for them. Despite the advances they have made in recent years they still have some leadership perceptions that face-to-face is better. Prior C-level leadership had balked at opening satellite locations to their headquarters when space got too crowded because of this perception (to the point parking and other things like bathrooms and elevators were hard to come by). They've finally opened multiple new locations in headquarters-town so that sentiment seems to have dissipated, but I'm sure some of the related perceptions are still there.

Thankfully I am at a different nearby regional facility so things operate much differently there.

It also doesn't help that I hear a lot of other employees complaining about wanting to go back.
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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #270 on: May 29, 2020, 03:40:31 PM »
Is this real life? Monkeys run away with coronavirus test samples after attacking lab technician in India:
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Offline Stratos

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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #271 on: May 29, 2020, 03:42:26 PM »
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Re: The COVID-19 Virus is Coming For Us All Thread
« Reply #272 on: May 29, 2020, 03:44:09 PM »
"I deem his stream to be supreme and highly esteem his Fortnite team!" - The Doritos Pope and his Mountain Dew Crew.

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