Welp as of today there is 508 cases of COVID-19 in Arizona and 8 deaths. Our Governor made an executive order of essential services during this outbreak and that Mayors would have to go talk with the Governor about any possible changes to the essental services list. Here is the list that our Governor Doug Ducey has put forth.
Health care and public health operations, including hospitals, public health entities, distributors of personal protective equipment and biotechnology companies; Okay makes sense
Human services operations, including those that provide services for the elderly, those with developmental disabilities, foster and adoption children and the homeless; Makes sense sure
Infrastructure operations, including food production, utility operators, construction and internet providers; Makes sense
Government functions, including first responders, emergency management personnel, 911 operators, child protection staff, welfare providers and more; Makes sense
Business operations, including grocery and medicine providers, outdoor recreation; I agree with most of this except for outdoor recreation. Reason being is that we shouldn't be out and about at parks and such and being around people. We should be limiting how much we are around folks
Organizations that provide charitable and social services, including religious and secular non-profit organizations and food banks; Agree with most of this except for religous organizations. I get we have a 1st amendment but one can practice their religion at home and not at a physical church around other folks and possibly spreading the virus
Media organizations, including newspaper, television, radio and other media services; Yes very important as to inform folks on the virus
Gas stations and other transportation-related businesses; Makes sense. Getting where you need to go and such.
Financial institutions, including banks and credit unions; Yep makes sense. Gotta stay stocked up on food and supplies and ya gotta spend money for those things. Yep.
Hardware and supply stores; Yeah. One could have a house problem in this pandemic and it might affect the quality of life while staying at home. For example ones toilet might be leaking and it needs to be fixed so these help keep the home as clean as it can be.
Critical trades, including plumbers, electricians, cleaning, sanitation, HVAC and security staff; Yeah makes sense. Those are all critical in keeping the home in a good state while being quarantine.
Mail, post, shipping and logistics; Yep
Education institutions, including public and private K-12 schools, universities and research entities; See if you can use online schooling instead of in person classes.
Laundry services; Yeah makes sense
Restaurants for consumption off-premises; Yeah gotta eat off site and with delivery
Supplies distributors that enable telework and work from home and those that supply essential businesses; Makes sense. Gotta make sure there is income for the folks stuck at home.
Transportation, including airlines, taxis, and ride-sharing; This one I feel like it is a case by case basis. For example. Getting back to your home country where from where there is no pandemic in the area to home to be quarantine. Otherwise no. We don't need you going into a country and bring something into or out of the country which could spread the virus to other countries. Taxis and ride sharing yeah but you need to take precautions to make sure the ride is sanitized after each ride.
Home-based and care services, including for seniors and those with developmental disabilities; Yep makes sense.
Residential facilities and shelters, including those for children, seniors or at-risk populations; Yep
Professional services, including legal, real estate and accounting services; Yep
Personal services, including personal hygiene services; If these include non doctor places like a salon or a place where there is lots of personal contact then no it should be off the list
Day care centers for employees exempted though the order; Yeah I can see pros and cons to this but for the most part I agree.
Manufacturers, distribution and producers of supply chain-critical products; Yep gotta keep things moving for the folks to get supplies and food to places for folks that may need them while being quarantine.
Hotels and motels; Maybe. The virus can spread and a lot of the time the hotels and motels aren't cleaned as well.
And funeral services. Well yeah folks are going to die during a pandemic.
The order allows individuals and entities to utilize teleworking to complete essential services.