So as you probably heard, all major lenders are doing some sort of Mortgage Moratorium.
All but 1 are doing a flat 90 Day Deferment.
1 (BofA) is doing a 30 Day Deferment, every 30 days as long as necessary.
Now I sat in my office today with a client who was on the phone with Mr. Cooper, who while on speaker phone explained how their Mtg Deferment worked....
you could apply and you would not have to make a payment for 90 days.
BUT..... and this is a big but, your payment will not delay the payoff of your loan by being tacked on to the back, instead, once the 90 days is up, you will be expected to make a lump sum payment and make your currently due Monthly Mortgage Payment.
Meaning, once that 90 day deferment is up, you could owe 4 months of Mortgage payments due in that 4th month.... I'm not really sure how that helps except to defer your panic of foreclosure and/or ruining of your credit for 90 days as well....
If you weren't working, and can't make the payment for those 3 months, how are you suddenly supposed to come up with those 3 months of payments, and then make your now due monthly payment while only receiving a single stimulus check of $1200 and possibly unemployment that went to buy food and keep the utilities on...?
The BofA deferment is tacked on to the back of the loan, so that once the crisis is over, you will just pick back up like usual, and it will just take you that many extra months that you were deferred to pay off the loan.
So when you are signing up for your deferment, please check to see if they are doing a lump sum or delayed payoff. /PSA