if I am not the main island resident.... can I unlock the road types? As I have 60k+ in Nook miles saved up already.

I managed to move my house to a location across the river and up on the next level grade. I built a stone ramp to get up there, and started working out a fruit grove to line the path to my house.... but I need to also build a bridge, which will have to wait till tomorrow once the incline is complete.
Nook has mentioned KK coming to the island, but I don't remember the specifics of actually getting him to come, and my daughter had no real interest in actually progressing the game if I wasn't right next to her doing it with her, so now I need to just take over and make the upgrades, rearrangements, and anything else that needs to be done, while she is at her momma's house.
I'm gonna relocate all my flowers, and set up a breeding garden to try and get some of the colors that I don't already have. My daughter tried to give me some blue flowers from her island at her mom's house, but someone turned off their switch before I could leave the island (and yes, she gave them to me, I told her I would only take what she was giving and nothing else.) and now that the connection was lost, she no longer has the flowers on her island, and I don't have them in my pocket, so they are just lost to the abyss somewhere.
Oh well. I'm sure I'll cross-breed some eventually.
I've already completed the last upgrade to the house (just need to pay it off.... $2.5M bells :/ ), and gave my daughter enough to do her next upgrade (tossed her $750k bells to pay off the previous upgrade so she could do the next upgrade) . I'm moving out of the "collect a ton of stuff and put it everywhere" phase, and actually trying to setup my house nice. Unfortunately, I can only buy 5 things at a time.... and I need to catalog more stuff, and find more ironwood DIY's/furniture.
p.s. BShy, I like those white couches you had in your main entrance. I might need to catalog those off you next time around