I'm pretty sure that after your team loses and you attribute that to a bunch of well-rested pros who simply "didn't feel like playing basketball" instead of giving credit to the other team for playing tough defense and giving more effort, that's a weak cop out and disrespectful to players on both teams.
Come on, man. Seriously? My initial post about this game was a half-joke (more on that later). I tried to clarify with my next post and you're still coming at me. Alright, let's try this again:
1. The Lakers lost because the Raptors outplayed them.
2. The Lakers lost
by 15 points because they came out flat and thought they could coast through a game.
3. Criticizing the Lakers is not the same thing as discrediting the Raptors.
A team can get outplayed without also getting blown out. I'm not taking anything away from the Raptors. I've acknowledged twice now that they played a better game than the Lakers so I don't know what else you want me to say. In fact, I actually really like the Raptors' chances this year:
As long as the Raptors are healthy, I have more faith in them in the playoffs than the Bucks. The Raptors are playoff tested, Leonard or no Leonard.
So don't come at me like I haven't given credit where credit is due.
I was merely commenting on how poorly the Lakers played. For example, Danny Green missed six wide open three pointers. That's
bad defense. However, in my humble opinion, that's
worse offense. If you can't hit open shots, you're playing a **** game from that end of the floor. Full stop.
I don't think the Raptors did anything particularly special guarding Anthony Davis. There were a few minutes late in the third quarter when Davis was actively attacking the basket. He was drawing fouls at will. The Lakers didn't really go back to that, and there was no real reason for it either considering he was 9/9 from the free throw line, and Gasol and Ibaka both had five fouls.
Honestly, I think you're way too hung up on the "Lakers just didn't feel like playing basketball tonight" line. I've made this and similar comments numerous times in this thread as a shorthand joke for a team (not just the Lakers) playing poorly. You never complained about them before so it feels like you're being a homer because the other team was the Raptors.
Not sure about where you grew up, but we were taught that humility includes giving some credit after a loss, instead of lame one-liners that discredit the opponent.
Passive aggressive personal insults are completely uncalled for.
But maybe you are right. The loss is just because the Lakers didn't feel like playing, and I need to grow up.

Dude, you need to stop misrepresenting other people's words. Sure, my initial post about the game was unclear. Then, I elaborated yet you're still running with "The loss is just because the Lakers didn't feel like playing."
And yeah, you do need to grow up considering how weirdly defensive you get about the Raptors (numerous instances in this thread) and are now at the point where you're hurling insults at me on an online message board.