Hey... we won a few!!!! (I have nothing in defense of your criticism of my team right now... you are ultimately right.)
The few games where we made it "interesting" it wasn't even really because we were "Good" it was because we got lucky with rookie ball shots that happen to fall. Now if they could play that sloppy all the time and consistently have the ball go in.... well, we'd have another Steph Curry effect on our hands, where everyone just thought he was being lucky at first getting off all those quick 3's off from all over the court with almost no daylight to release most of them.
Unfortunately, that is not how this group of G-Leaguers will play out this season. Will be bad, we may win a few more. The cream of the crop will float, the rest will likely be cut in the off-season. I'd be surprised of more than 4 of the Warriors new faces (outside D-Lo, WCS, Chriss) will even be active NBA players, much less still on this team, next season, unless some dramatic improvements happen in the new year.
But high draft picks.... and returning talent next season will hopefully see us through this touch time. Your condolences are appreciated, but honestly, this is pretty damn close to what we are historically use to.

The major difference is, that now management won't be trying to trade off any(all/or the only) talent it develops to get more draft picks.
edit: and we still on a tight rotation (8.5 men tonight - Looney back on limited minutes), so these boys getting much needed playtime. I'm just hoping more than Paschall rise to the occasion and perform in the time of need.