Everyone knows the Warriors lost by a point last night (my thoughts on how that happened later)
I think everyone saw how Jefferson POSTERIZED both KD and Klay (OMG it was brutal)
but i don't think anyone saw just how cold blooded LeBron is towards this rivalry with the Warriors.

frozen veins man... if that doesn't fuel them in the next match up, then I don't know what will.
Warriors need to go Super Saiyan in the starting 4 (and McGee, not Zaza Pikachulia).
but for those that watched the game, tell me that the 1st 2 fouls on Dray were not bullshit. It led to Dray getting a tech, but honestly, they were bullshit calls. Might be hard to call in the moment, but the 2nd one was obvious as **** that it was clean.
Foul on Curry where he completely stepped out the way and didn't touch dude, was another BS call.
No call on the McGee dunk that he missed?
and the No call on the KD being tripped in the last seconds of the match were also BS.
It's kinda bullshit that even the announcers can't callout the BS reffing that they see. They keep trying to bring it up vaguely "oh that looked like a file to me.. :shrugs shoulders: yep, clearly a foul in the replay... oh well", but it's like they'll lose their job or get fined for criticizing the refs. seems so fishy to me. and it's not just for this game, or just about this team, I'm talking in general here.
But on the other hand, Cavs v Dubs is real. They match very well.
Bronbron v KD, Kyrie v The Chef, Love v Klay
I personally put this loss on the Dray for repeatedly forcing passes in the 4th quarter. I think it was like 3-4 possessions in a row, which is how we lost the lead, and ultimately the game.
But if the refs had just called it straight from the get-go, it might have been a different game altogether. W's were up early, and 2 BS fouls and a T on Dray kinda sucked a little momentum out the team.
But the next rematch @ home is Jan 16th.