Wasn't Justice League supposed to be a 2-parter or did that get changed at some point?
It was supposedly reduced to a single movie, and the 2nd is to be decided upon at a later date and time. I really think WB & DC just don't have confidence moving forward w/ what they are doing as they didn't set up a plan before hand, and instead just let the directors do what they wanted and figure out how to connect it all as they went along. They brought Geoff Johns in way too late to be the overseer of the DCCU, and too many projects were already in motion to drastically make changes or just flat out halt them and reset the project so that they can come up with a consistent thread that is linking these stories along.
I really feel like they don't trust Snyder to run the ship but he was too entrenched to uproot him.
I feel like Batfleck is not feeling Justice League, but can't right the sinking ship on his own, and especially after Live by Night failed harder than any movie of that caliber EVER, does not have the pull right now to overrule anyone's say... so maybe he's just not into it anymore.
I feel like if Wonder Woman is not a moderate success critically and commercially, Justice league is DOA as far as general audience and crossover comic fans are concerned.
and I feel like that is why WB put a hold on everything (except Aquaman and a hopeful The Batman) post Justice League because their phase 1 test of WW & JL need to succeed.
Aquaman is the last project to start pre-production before Johns got involved, so The Flash getting a complete rewrite, Cyborg being put on ice, Justice League 2 now in limbo and The Batman attempting to be fasttracked (I have no idea what's up with that rumored GL movie, nor the somewhat unconnected Black Adam and Shazam movies) is all an attempt at Johns fixing this mess of a cinematic universe.
But if Batfleck bails.... hopefully they can Snyder and use The Flash to go back and reset the timeline before The (recasted) Batman movie and then use Justice League 2 to show all the other changes that took effect.
as a matter of fact, they should use The Flash to hit reset on all this mess anyway, regardless of Batfleck bailing or not.