Look at Microsoft. They gave everybody metaphorical AIDS, and everybody STILL wants an Xbox One. Now that's something I just don't understand. After all the crap that Microsoft has pulled on their customers over the years, and all the crap they openly continue to pull, why are people still supporting the Xbox brand?
Now that I find funny. With that said you'd be surprised how much goodwill Microsoft won back in such a short time. Instead of Nintendo whi stayed silent after the Wii U annoucment Microsoft made some Major moves.
-Firing Don Mattrick
-Giving more promience to Phil Spencer and Phil Harrison.
-The biggest and quickest 180 I've seen in gaming
-Getting Chris Charla to helm the ID@Xbox program and saying all the right things.
That plus the Hype Microsoft Studios was getting pre May 21st helped the brand alot, and a ton of marketing plus the gaming media saying the system was good, alongside the mainstream media on it like bears to honey.
Nintendo was never going to be #2 this gen since they lacked a gimmick people cared about to shoot to stardom like th Wii did, and they lack the third party support to keep the system competitive with the other two boys.
I feel the biggest disadvantge Microsoft has is the price which will be cut next year and the indie space, but ID@Xbox should be going and getting parity by this time next year if not eariler.