Wii Party U, this week's releases, and the return of Name That Pokémon!
Welcome to episode 108 of Connectivity! We have three segments for you this week.
Neal, Daan, and Scott discuss Wii Party U, the surprisingly good party game that just released yesterday. Don't let the fact that it is packed in with a Wii Remote fool you; Wii Party U is a great choice if you and your friends or family play games together often. Plus it has the best version of baseball ever.
After that, Neal and Scott return with This Week in Nintendo, breaking down the week's virtual releases on both 3DS and Wii U. Hopefully you are in the mood for full retail releases cause, uh, that's pretty much it.
Closing out the show, Josh, Kim, and Becky play another rousing edition of Name That Pokémon. Kim and Becky, who have been living in the studio since the last game, dig themselves out from the trash heap and compete in a cutthroat, to-the-wire trivia game while Josh mostly just coughs.
As always, you can click here to send us your listener mail. Are you pretty much dying with excitement with every day closes to Super Mario 3D World? Let us know! See you next week.