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Offline azeke

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Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« on: September 04, 2013, 08:05:55 AM »
You are gonna play it, right? You're missing out on one of the greatest games in years if you don't.

If you're afraid of how difficult and obtuse the game, then what happened to you, player who just recently praised Souls games for the very same and spent hours writing walls of text on how you hate Nintendo tutorials you're in luck, cause i wrote this guide. Hopefully it will help you to enjoy the game even more, when you will start playing it.

The game is 3d action brawler. Think Devil May Cry or Bayonetta only in an isometric perspective. Unusual camera placement requires you to watch area all around you instead of focusing on one-two enemies you see in third person view.

Enemies usually come in groups of two-three big mooks. Sometimes each big mook may come with his own entourage of little dudes who will run over the area. Mostly you have to concentrate on big guys, but even little dudes can harm you. You have to look for visual cues and sounds to know when they're going to attack and when it's safe for you to start the combo.

You don't control an entire crowd of heroes. You control a leader and everyone else are just material for your morphs. They can burn, get squished or fall to their doom -- it doesn't matter as long as leader is okay. You will lose health, only if he gets hurt. Of course you will be restricted with your morphs if you lose too many characters -- you simply won't have enough ink to draw figures you want. After a while incapacitated heroes will reappear near you.

Having more characters is preferable because bigger drawing results in bigger weapons.

Weapon switching:
Your weapon (morph) depends on who is currently the leader in your crowd. As you play with your character he/she will level-up, giving you more combos to do with this weapon. That's why later in a game you need to switch your leaders manually to level up all the characters to the max. You can do it on touchscreen by pressing bottom part of the touchscreen. UI for character level-up management is rather clunky. Press Y two times to sort characters by the weapon they wield. Switch between them with D-Pad, this also shows you their current level.

After you selected your weapon by drawing it and pressing A, you don't need to draw it again next time. Just press A again. The weapon you currently have is shown on the screen in the left upper corner:

As you can see on the screenshot, i have Fist selected but i also drew a line to conjure a Sword. Now i can either:
  • commit to Sword by pressing A
  • cancel Sword with Y, and press A to make Fist again
  • press X to make characters involved in the blue line to form their own sword and attack separately from the main crowd. After they will finish their combo they will come back.

This way i basically have two weapons at my disposal, readily available for me in less than a second when i will decide to attack.

This helps when you're preparing for next enemy encounter. You can draw a big weapon beforehand, press A selecting it, then disband it with Y (but it will still stay selected), and later when you will need to attack you can just press A two times -- first time to take out selected weapon, second time to start attack right away. Stored weapon will even remain its' size.

You need to "cache" weapons like that, because big weapons don't stay big for long and are generally unwieldy to walk around with. Your speed is very low when you have a weapon equipped.

Drawing weapons:
When you start to draw game goes into slo-mo giving you a plenty of time to draw the right figure.

So don't panic, when you start drawing, you have at the very least a few seconds and can mess up a bit.

If you're drawing on a touchscreen, i recommend using left hand thumb (or index), because that way you don't have to move your right hand away from face buttons and can press X or A to select the weapon instantly.

But the preferred way is to use right stick. It will become apparent when you will get used to control scheme. Right stick allows for faster weapon switching and you can make them bigger too -- touchscreen simply doesn't have enough space for big drawings.

Note that you need to have enough free space to draw on. Avoid areas like lava, fire or spikes or spikey enemies, because your line will collapse if it's end will touch with hazardous environment and you will have to start all over.  Also keep in mind that civilians can get in your way because you recruit them by circling around them. Just move with left stick away from them or start over on other side.

Sword is the easiest to draw -- it's a simple line. Just move your right stick in one direction and press A and viola. Because of that it's a great weapon to for multi unite morphs -- just make a quick movement with a stick and press X and for the next three or so seconds you have a separate sword hitting everything around. Sword is great to clear the area of little guys, just draw a big sword and swing away.

Each weapon has additional functions. Sword can reflect laser beams and absorb electricity. It also counters other swords, when Wonder Blue quickly shows up and says "hey!" in the corner of the screen, that means you need to equip sword fast and then wait a bit without attacking.

Sword is cool and all, but when you need a to inflict a real focused damage, you need a Fist.

Fist is equipped by drawing a circle (or almost circle). It's a bit trickier than sword but should still be easy enough. Make sure not to circle civilians running around because instead of becoming red, line will turn rainbow and you will recruit them and instead of conjuring a fist. If you want to make a big fist with a right stick, just draw a half circle and then keep the line going and going to add more people.

Fist absorbs fire attacks.

Gun is two lines at an angle. Should be pretty easy. If you have problems aiming the gun use focusing (watch the second video by Saur i link at the end of the post). Gun can suck enemies and bombs up and shoot them back. Note that then you're not shooting an enemy back, you're using your own guys as a bullets. Guys that you shot at the enemy will cling to it and will impede his movement of even shock him.

Gun is the best way to deal with pesky little UFO. If you make a big gun, it will turn into Super Scope shaped bazooka and will fire rockets.

Whip is a wavy line. Same line as sword only shake it a bit. Used against spiky walls and enemies. If enemy is in shocked state you can grab them with the whip and throw them around. Watch out for pink outlines on environment and enemies -- that means you use whip on them.

Hammer is a tricky one and probably the one everyone have the most problems with. You need to draw a sickle to form a hammer (hurr durr, Kamiya). It's basically a mirrored question mark. Or you can draw a question mark -- it will work the same.

Many people (including me) found that game was often picking whip instead of hammer. Here is how you do it reliably:
  • Draw a line. It's probably better to keep the line short, because you will need more ink for second part.
  • Release the right stick. Let it go into neutral position.
  • Now draw a circle or half circle until it will go from blue to pink to yellow.

Works every time.

Hammer also works as armoured roof against air bombs. Also you can use it as an anchor to dive in water.

Claws is easy to draw. It's basically a Zorro sign. Three fast strokes making letter Z (or N). Claws can rip open metallic things and can freeze enemies. They're the weakest weapon in the game but they're incredibly fast. It's great to boost combo meter with them.

You can climb walls with them. Can counter chainsaws with a similar cue as sword (Wonder White briefly appearing in the corner).

It's a circle then a short line coming from it. I am drawing it like 6 when starting from center:

Bomb works great for secondary attack with X. You throw it, slowing enemies down and can hack them away with whatever you have.

Glider's triangle is kinda hard for me to do reliably with a stick, so i am usually doing it on a touchscreen. Especially when it's QTE where i can't waste time fiddling around.

Wonderful Mart:
First thing you need to do after finishing prologue, go into Wonderful Mart and buy Guts and Spring.

I repeat:

After finishing prologue, go into Wonderful Mart and buy Guts and Spring.

These two are the most basic abilities and are the most crucial morphs by far. I have no idea why they're not on by default, they were in the demo.

Learn how to use guts (pudding). The timing is kinda off at first but after practice you will find great enjoyment at blocking attacks with it. Just note that it can only work against blunt attacks, sharp objects or beam attacks as expected will pierce right through. Also don't try to block attacks from enraged enemies -- guts won't do against them, just dodge.

"Items" in wonderful mart are mostly consumables that you can use to replenish health or unite gauge. Note that using items will ruin your score so if you care about that, avoid using them.

There are a few special items that are allowed to use:
  • Justice Missile -- when you hit 100 characters in your crowd, surplus from your recruiting on the level goes for these missiles. Every ten citizens makes for one missile. Select it by pressing left right on d-pad and activate it by pressing down for a second. You aim the rocket with tilt controls on gamepad, touch the screen to launch it.
  • Treasure Sensor -- you only need to buy it once. After you got it, P-Star (flying thingy that follows you) will start beeping when you will have a treasure nearby. Treasures are hidden stuff hidden on the ground or on the walls. You can reveal them either by circling around them with a drawing line or by hitting the ground with a hammer.
  • Wonderful Dummy -- this is basically a continue. When you die, dummy sacrifices itself and takes your place while you stay alive and your vitality is replenished. After you used a dummy, you can buy another one, but only one.
There are three additional skills for each weapon.

  • Launcher -- press B, then A. If your enemy is in shocked state you will launch him in the air, and once he is in the air, he a punching bag for your combos. See Saur's videos below for evidence.
  • Cyclone -- do 360 with your left stick then press A. You will start rotating with your weapon doing a wide area attack. Mash A to prolong attack a bit more.
  • Stinger -- it's a focused attack aimed at specific enemy or a group of enemies. Tilt the stick away from the target then towards it, then press A.

Launchers and stingers can also be used for movement. You can reach higher areas adding a few launchers at the end of a Rocket. Or jump for longer distances using fist or sword stingers.

Cheap technique i discovered today.

Use Gun Stinger (multiple shots that stagger enemy) from afar, then use multi unite morphs on him. Lots of damage and combo points while you're staying at safe distance. Works on nearly everything. Maybe sprinkle a bomb on it or two.

Too long, didn't read:
Just watch these videos:

Even if you did read my guide, you still need to watch these videos, they're explaining some other finer elements of the game better than i can.

Also, feel free to ask questions about the game.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 10:21:18 AM by azeke »
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Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 11:19:48 AM »
A few more advices from my miiverse:


If you're like me, you hold Y almost constantly, because that makes crowd all gather round the leader in a neat tight circle. But when you are platforming you need to see exactly where you leader is, so you should release Y during these sequences. Crowd will stop clouding around leader and you will see him/her clearly.


Ukemi is one the later abilities you get in the game. It's extremely useful and extremely unexplained. I am playing this game for three weeks now and i only lately got the hang of it.
When your leader gets hit and flies away, you need to press B (jump button) just when he is about to touch the ground. Then leader does crazy jump on his hands and lands on his feet. That's what is shown on the screenshot. This ukemi animation takes about second or two and enemies can't harm you during it.
It's exactly like quick fall recovery in modern fighting games (MK9, Tekken, King of Fighters and Smash Bros) where you press some button when you fall on the ground and get up instantly.

W101 is actually a puzzle game:
All enemies in this game, including bosses, are actually puzzles -- if you know how to solve it, it's pretty easy. The great part about W101 is that there are many different solutions and people keep finding more and more as they play.

One of hardest "puzzles" in W101 are turtles. It's obvious you're supposed to smack them with hammer until they lose their armour but that takes huge amounts of time and turtles' attacks are surprisingly quick and very damaging.
There are many different "solutions":
  • wait so they lift one paw and place pudding where they gonna put it. That will stagger them for a bit. While they're about to tople over and have opened their underbelly a bit, hit it with everything you got. Then they will fall over on the their back exposing their weak spot completely.
  • screenshot above is me doing second way to deal with turtles. What i am doing is Hammer Rising (Launcher, B then A). Hammer rising does incredible damage to turtles -- 25% or so. And in the middle of animation you float in the air way above the ground where turtles can't hit you. And then you do second hit with a hammer. Three-four Hammer Risings will kill any turtle. You just have to time it right so that you don't get hit during initial launch. You have to watch out for 1) other turtle's head 2) your turtle's paws 3) other turtle's paws -- if they're doing fire attack -- cancel your attack and move away.
  • turtle's file in geathjerk archives says something about using a whip on their hook shaped tails, but i never was able to do it properly
  • when turtle has lost 50% of its health, their armour cracks to pieces and turtles become open to any attack compared to before when only hammer was able to harm them and everything else just fell apart on contact. For examply you can literally do circles around them with Spiked Ball (ZR, ZR):

The other "puzzle" that becomes trivial after you figured it out is Vorkken:

The lesson he "teaches" you is proper blocking. Vorkken is actually very easy to counter and he has almost robotic super-predictable AI.

When you just standing near him doing nothing, he will morph into either Fist or Hammer and both are blockable with pudding. When his fist or hammer falls apart that opens up a second or two for you to attack him. Then repeat the routine: come closer to him, lure out his fist or hammer, block and retaliate.

You can shoot at him when he's shocked, but don't shoot when he still has his teammates around, in response he will make his own bazooka and will shoot you.

Same for other weapons -- he usually has the similar canned response patterns for all your morphs. Often he will do block himself to crush your morph and then will do cyclone sword or whip right away, so it's best not to attack him first.

Just do the routine -- come closer, block, retalitate.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 02:25:42 PM »
When do you get spikes for your ball?  My Ball is smooth.  I'll come back and read this for my second play through.  I've abused Continues to much trying to do it on my own.  Though your wonderful ones can pin the turtle at 3 charged level if the armor is gone.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 12:27:56 AM »
When do you get spikes for your ball?
One of the unlocks in the Wonderful Mart you get about 50% into the game.

One thing i forgot about Wonderful Mart: most of the goods there are pretty expensive. To help with that you can mix Nelson's credit card with 30-30-30 recipe. It can buy anything no matter the price.

Note how here i am buying an item that is worth 800 000 parts but i only have 273 000 parts. Good thing i had this credit card here.

That's really the only thing worth mixing apart from doing mixing specifically for achievement.

I'll come back and read this for my second play through.
You should at least skim it, to help you if you get too confused. And there's always MiiVerse.
Also check Platinum Game blog, just yesterday they dropped a bomb of a blogpost full of tricks that i didn't even knew were in the game. Like, taunting.
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Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 01:17:58 PM »
You rock, Azeke. Thanks for this thread.
Played the demo on the weekend and really enjoyed it (once I "got into it"!). Looking forward to the full game.

Fatty Approves Of This Thread!
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2013, 11:03:34 PM »
If you're too lazy to read all this stupid text, here's a quick guide from reddit:

It would help to print it or something and have it by your side when playing the game.
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Offline Caterkiller

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2013, 01:52:16 PM »
Thanks for all this man. Just like Pikmin 3 I was dreaming about this game after playing it my first day, hahaha.

Everyone needs to get this game, it is insane!
Nintendo players and One Piece readers, just better people.


Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 06:12:55 AM »
Few things i learned from yesterday's play:

Cube enemies and boss (look like Golems from Bayonetta):
Their main weakness is climbing attack (X button). Yes, the enemy with the second hardest armour in the game is vulnerable to the weakest attack you have.

You simply need to overwhelm cubes by spamming X until they get staggered by heaps of your guys hanging on it everywhere, trying to pick it apart. Once staggered it can't move and is open to any attack. Of course you have to go with the most powerful one: Wonderful Hammer Rising. A few hits and scary looking cube is reduced to a puddle of helpless miserable looking dices:

But that's just the half of it. When cubes fall apart they, just like T-1000, will eventually gather together and reform to their initial shape. You can prevent them doing that by spamming X even more. Your guys will run all over the area finding cubes to fight and preventing them to even move. That way once the cube fell apart, it will never stand back. Then you just need to spam X and add some area cleaning attack from time to time, like Gun Cyclone.

Now i remember Geathjerk archive file for these enemies mentioning something about this.

Also, cube mooks' attacks can be blocked by Guts and it's an even faster way to crush them apart to pieces. Cube boss' attacks are not blockable with pudding -- he is too big.

Another thing screenshot above is showing you is a special health bar. I am honestly not quite sure how it works but from my feeling, when you're attacking enemy, the damage you make in a single combo (drawn as red area) can "pierce" through multiple replenishable health bars, and if you combo long enough it will destroy enemy completely. Because you did it all in one non-stop combo, it just kept stacking and stacking until the enemy just dies, despite that you've dealt merely a fraction of this enemy's total HP.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2013, 06:29:28 PM »
Remind me to re-read this thread when I buy the game, hopefully in November.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2013, 07:22:44 AM »
A few notes about a SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER! boss:

I am going to talk about a very special boss. His very nature is a HUGE SPOILER and disclosing it would be ruining a MAJOR moment for new players. Please don't open spoilers if you didn't played the game about halfway in.

I am not going to tell you when exactly it happens, but you WILL know what i am talking about when that happens. Just seeing THIS was so amazing and one of the most mindblowing moments in already monumentally brain melting game.

I don't want to rob you of that, so i'm going to just spoiler it completely.

Pls don't ruin it for yourself.

HELL YEAH, motherfucking PUNCH OUT bosses! sfjhsfkjsafkjshfkjsjksad! sdfkjslfjsadlk!


Yesterday, i was fighting one particular nasty Kahkoo-Regah where you had to beat 005-C boss without taking any damage. Spent an hour until i finally did it, but at least now i now his mechanics by heart. I also kept trying to platinum 008-C so i had A LOT of Punch Out that day.

As you probably know (or not), there are TWO Punch-Out style bosses, the one in 005-C and the one in 008-C. 008-C adds more moves and gives you less window to keep longer chain of hits. After you caught him it's basically just two-three hits and that's it.

Main strategy is not to hit him until you get him off guard by evading his attack. Same as you know, Punch Out? Hits to head or to the body don't seem to make much difference, though i think you can get stars only when you hit his jaw. Which is useless because you usually don't get to use these stars anyway...

Both bosses are like Piston Honda and always give out cues about future attacks with eyebrows or eye blinks.

Basically, if you see them blinking or their eyebrow twitching -- press ZR (evade) and then start hitting. This simple strategy is already enough to beat both of them comfortably, but both of them have other moves that evade won't work on.

The hardest one to block is roundhouse kick or roundhouse punch. That's the thing about this attack -- it's 50/50 and it's nearly impossible to tell what it's going to be because animation looks identical in both cases and it's shorter than half a second (!) anyway.

If it's kick -- you need to jump. If it's punch -- you need to evade as usual.

The solution to this turned out to be dead simple. Just hit the guy when he starts roundhouse <whatever>. He will cancel his attack animation and will block your hit as he usually does.

As i said stars are useless. Maybe that changes on later difficulties, but on normal and hard you will finish the fight before you will get the chance to use them.

What is not useless and is in fact your greatest weapon in these boss fights is your laser. Wait till it powers up, then wait till you stun him (i always wait till he starts seeing stars, though i've seen people doing laser before that when he's only blinking in shock) and press R button. Laser will take four or so seconds to turn on and that's why we need enemy to be stunned -- otherwise he will simply hit you and disrupt your laser.

After successful laser attack they will usually have only half of the very last health bar (they both have like seven bars or so) and after that you can finish them in a few simple counter attacks.

That's why stars are useless. You get full laser bar faster than three stars, it's much stronger and after laser there is no window to do three star drill attack anyway. But just in case, drill uppercut is executed similarly to laser -- you need your enemy stunned to do it.

Aside from boxing moves both bosses start cheating and throw stuff at you (trucks or robots or fireballs). Just evade all that stuff.

005-C has unique attack where basically goes Hondo Rush on you. If he will do three hits in preparation -- you can block his entire rush (ZL). If he does more -- evade, evade, evade.

008-C has three special summon attacks. If it's two-headed dragon -- same as fireballs, evade. Underwater hydra -- evade when waves appear on the water, just before tentacles will try to grab you.

Last summon attack is pretty hard to evade for me mainly because jump is so weird in these segments. Still can't get used to it to execute it 100%. The attack is -- Gimme summons flying snake dragon. Dragon attacks either horizontally (jump) or vertically (evade). I am not sure if the order of dragon's attacks is random or is always the same.
Winners don't hate and W101 rocks

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2013, 08:05:04 AM »
Hunt for Platinum:
Noone is asking for you to do this:

But getting platinums on second run is just as fun as first playthrough if not more. Now you have so much more moves game becomes even more enjoyable.

As you know, each operation is divided by "missions" -- short battle encounters and you're ranked by damage, combo and time on each of them. In the end of operation all mission ranks are tallied up towards operation rank.

So getting platinums ranks for individual missions is pretty basic stuff:
  • don't get hit (no damage=platinum), or be very good with Ukemi.
  • keep your combo high (use gun to raise multiplier, use claws to increase points quickly)
  • and be fast about it (time limit for platinum varies for each mission).

To add additional challenge, operation ranks account for the same criteria for entire operation. While damage and combo shouldn't be a problem, time limit can ruin your score from Pure Platinum to regular Platinum or even Gold (even if you pure platinum'd every single individual mission in the operation). So don't waste time between missions.

If you see missing spots in operation rankings that means you've missed secret mission or Kahko Regah (hidden challenge rooms). So write down numbers for missing missions and start looking everwhere where you think secret mission should be (usually found by backtracking).

Sometimes you don't have to get ALL secret missions to get regular Platinum, but if you want Pure Platinum for operation you need to score pure platinum on every single mission.

Auto-save and retry are really useful for platinum runs. When you see "saving" flashing on the bottom that means you've hit checkpoint. Now if you didn't like how next mission went (got hit, or didn't get enough combo) you can hit Retry and get back to that point to start anew. You can even die -- after pressing "yes, continue" and then retrying you will erase your death from rankings. Very useful for experimenting.

Usually in early operations auto-save activates after finishing each mission -- so be wary of that and if you want to retry -- do it in the middle of the mission without finishing. Later operations have strings of missions without auto-saves between them.

Kahko Regah are very, very special in this game, both in good and bad ways.

Bad: you can't use retry menu option while inside. And they overwrite your save when you leave them. So no abusing saves.

Good: as long as you finished Kahko-Regah and didn't die (unlike Bayonetta, deaths in challenge rooms COUNT as deaths in operation ranking and ruin your score), you can enter it again if you think you can improve your score.
Winners don't hate and W101 rocks

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2013, 01:18:43 AM »
New Saur video:
That trick with L button is really great. I might actually drop Charge Attack custom block in favour of drawing new figures everytime if i will master this technique. And it looks like this saves a lot of Unite Gauge.

He's kinda wrong when he says that you should always go for fastest kill. As he himself admits later in the video you also need to rack up enough combo points for platinum rank and that just won't happen if you will kill an enemy in two-three shots with some way overpowered morph.

... as long as you finished Kahko-Regah and didn't die (unlike Bayonetta, deaths in challenge rooms COUNT as deaths in operation ranking and ruin your score), you can enter it again if you think you can improve your score.
Update. Apparently, if you can die in Kahkoo Regah and then retry it right away, your death COUNTS towards operation score. If you say "no" during retry dialogue after you died in KR, you will return to your regular mission. And then you can retry KR again and that death WON'T COUNT towards your score.

Honestly, i am not sure if this behavior is a bug or counting deaths in KR at all is the bug. Because honestly, latter doesn't make any sense. Kahko Regah are challenge rooms that are meant to provide special one-time challenges that are harder that what you get in regular mission. Punishing the player for dying when trying to execute KR is just counter intuitive.

The only downside with this trick is that you have to suffer rather long loading times (like seriously i just want to retry the very same mission, why does it have to load again? and i have digital version!).
Winners don't hate and W101 rocks

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2014, 01:15:04 AM »
I've clocked over 150+ hours and still find new things. I throw enemy into the air, lunge down to the ground and then just create hammer and put it exactly where enemy lands which of course counts as damage.

And Saur uploaded new video:
And again i learned a new move where you can block dragon wings with Guts. I never even tried to do that because this is one of these weird exceptions to the rule of "guts only works against blunt attack".

Unite Countering against turtle head attack i do regularly, but i never did it standing right between them.

And overall that sequence where he was styling all over three dragons was badass.
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Offline pokepal148

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2014, 08:17:30 PM »
I was enjoying this game despite its flaws but that stupid button mashing QTE during your fight with Blue is really pissing me off.

I suck at button mashing, I don't need a stupid required sequence to tell me that and honestly it's 2014, there are better ways to do these things.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 08:19:07 PM by pokepal148 »

Offline azeke

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2014, 07:08:35 AM »
I suck at button mashing
Maybe try putting controller on a table and mashing button like on an arcade cabinet.

, I don't need a stupid required sequence
Most of the button mashers in this game (just like in Bayonetta or any other PG game) are optional. They only give you bonus points. Just make sure to put in at least five or six presses and that should be enough.

If there are a situation with two opponents going at each other with flurries of fists then yes button mashing will be required but even then if you fail it you will only take some damage and that's it.

Button mashing QTEs are there to give you at least some semblance of involvement during outrageous cutscenes, they often work as a "release" after a emotional and tense boss fight.
Winners don't hate and W101 rocks

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2014, 10:23:37 PM »
I suck at button mashing
Maybe try putting controller on a table and mashing button like on an arcade cabinet.

, I don't need a stupid required sequence
Most of the button mashers in this game (just like in Bayonetta or any other PG game) are optional. They only give you bonus points. Just make sure to put in at least five or six presses and that should be enough.

If there are a situation with two opponents going at each other with flurries of fists then yes button mashing will be required but even then if you fail it you will only take some damage and that's it.

Button mashing QTEs are there to give you at least some semblance of involvement during outrageous cutscenes, they often work as a "release" after a emotional and tense boss fight.
I'll take uninvolvement over this crap.

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2014, 12:48:32 PM »
Oh, and I like how apparently complaining about button mashing on miiverse gets the miiverse admins after you for 'spoiling strategic information' about a game.

Because fucking arbitrary required button-mashing elements are really just the pinnacle of strategy and fucking Napoleon would be so jealous.

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2014, 08:58:17 PM »
This actually seems to be a pattern with Platinum, between this and Okami

Play game, have alot of fun -> Get to a brick wall that frustrates me to the point I stop playing.

Although in Okami's defense I think my frustration with that required digging minigame have more to do with issues with the Wii port then the game itself.

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Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2015, 03:28:54 PM »
Gave it another shot after all this time... nothing...

I suck at button mashing
Maybe try putting controller on a table and mashing button like on an arcade cabinet.
Yup because that's how you play console games, also it didn't work.

, I don't need a stupid required sequence
Most of the button mashers in this game (just like in Bayonetta or any other PG game) are optional.
This one isn't, what's it's excuse?

They only give you bonus points. Just make sure to put in at least five or six presses and that should be enough.
Nope, 5 or 6 presses are not enough, try again.

If there are a situation with two opponents going at each other with flurries of fists then yes button mashing will be required
Because surely the annoying preceding boss fight wasn't enough.

but even then if you fail it you will only take some damage and that's it.
And have to repeat the last part of that annoying boss fight. Because that's fun right?

Button mashing QTEs are there to give you at least some semblance of involvement during outrageous cutscenes,
No, button mashing QTEs exist because people like Kamiya can't think of creative ways to make their cutscenes interactive so they just go "well, duh... guess I'll just make them mash the button a bunch of times..." and then fanboys like you try to pass it off as good game design, it's absolutely disgusting.

This game came out in 2013. I have no doubt that Platinum could have come up with a better way to do this but they decided not to because there are idiots who put up with this kind of trash.

they often work as a "release" after a emotional and tense boss fight.
Well all they are doing here is pissing me off. What a great release.

Button Mashing is worse then Waggle, there, I'm done.

Re: Wonderful 101 - guide for the best game you're gonna play
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2015, 02:20:05 PM »
I have had this game since it came out and I have yet to play it. After reading your thread here I am starting to wonder what has kept me from checking it out for so long.
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