On Sunday afternoon, I booted this thing back up and decided to go at the Final Boss again. On my fourth try, I was one hit away from beating it and then he got me on one of his charges, bucking his horned helmet up at me. Played it some more and never got close to that point again. Was kicking myself at blowing a good opportunity. Having spent 20 or so minutes on the boss, I decided to take a break from it again and went back to the rocket level. Got through it and 5 after a bunch of tries. Breezed through 6 rather quickly. Maybe 5 or 6 attempts there. Went through level B and debated doing something else or stopping for the day.
Earlier when I was going through 4 and 5 and it was taking multiple attempts, I began thinking about the time I was spending playing this game that maybe I should be using for something else. Hadn’t Backlaugust taught me that just beating a game was pretty good without bothering to accomplish every little thing in it? What does it matter if I even do get the Hard mode done? What does that prove? Others have done it so its not like I’m doing anything revolutionary. I’m also happy enough with my gaming ability having already done long and semi-pointless tasks or difficult challenges in other games that many other players haven’t. I’m not insecure or worried that walking away from Hard mode is somehow going to diminish anything in my life. So, yeah, I was clearly having a blast playing though these levels…
Anyways, I decided to try at the Final Boss again for a bit and if it still seemed like it was going to be a long task then I wasn’t going to continue this Hard Mode quest. I beat him on my 4th try. Man, that felt good. Then I went to level 7 and beat that in 2 tries. Now I was feeling pumped again. Went to level 8 and that just took 3 tries. All that was left was level A and that took… quite a few tries. But I got it done and now Islands 6 and 7 are complete in Hard.
While it felt good to get that job done, I also realized that it meant I was pretty much committed now to beating the rest of the game on Hard and I know some of these other bosses may yet be a pain to do in Hard. However, the reason I started playing Hard Mode from the harder end levels and working backwards is for a few reasons. First, those levels were freshest in my mind and I’d already had practice in them so I didn’t have to relearn them. Plus, since they should be the harder levels to do in Hard Mode then it should make the task easier as I went along. If I couldn’t succeed in these harder levels then at least I wouldn’t have spent a bunch of time getting through the easier stuff just to hit a wall later. If I couldn’t beat them now then I might as well just walk away from the game at that point before sinking in a bunch of time on Hard Mode. Moreover, I found a lot more enjoyment and fun in the early levels then I did in these last levels so I wanted to save the more fun stuff for later.