If you don't have a lot of money, then you really can't do that.
Can't do what? Splurge or budget? I would argue you need to budget no matter what. It is what helps me stretch every dollar as far as possible. I have a very finite budget for "fun" items like games or eating out so this allows me to maximize my entertainment. I don't even get enough each month to buy one full-priced game so I really plan out of necessity.
Do I set aside enough to buy Hyrule Warriors in the Fall and if so, does that mean I can only get Smash U in the Winter and I have nothing but those two games for the rest of the year? Or do I delay one of them to pick up some indie titles or steam bargains? Decisions, decisions...
Budgeting gives you more freedom because you are telling your money where to go instead of it telling you...leaving you waking up wondering why payday can't be sooner. Studies have shown that putting each dollar down, on paper and on purpose, each month is similar to giving yourself a raise because you catch all of the "little" expenses that would typically suck up your hard earned money.
It is not one or two giant purchases that kill a person, it is death by a thousand cuts.